Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled…

WED., AUG. 9, 1995, 9:55 AM

So beginneth this 13th chapter of John’s Gospel, with Me, as Jesus, gathering the disciples for a farewell “talk”. It’s too bad that your group will skip a week, but with at least 2 who would be “missing” it is the best decision. I want you to go on and study the next 2 chapters, so you don’t lose the continuity (even as I said, at the end of 13, “let’s be going”).

Let not your heart be troubled… for in this discourse I clearly state that I and the Father are One… and that when I go I will send Me, the Comforter, a.k.a the Holy Spirit. This is clearly a basis for the concept, the reality of a Triune God, even as, chronologically, My servant Paul offered it earlier than did John. The reality extends to: as Almighty God I am sovereign, all-powerful, and indivisible. But…I came to earth as Jesus, in both a conventional and a non-conventional way (as a baby, after a regular pregnancy, but “fathered,” mystically, by Me, the Holy Spirit, Who has no body).

In Jesus I was both fully human and still fully God, and yet I remained fully God, apart from Jesus. I also was, and am, Holy Spirit, One with God and with Jesus, yet being separate, as I tell the disciples in the conversation… “When I go I will send you a Comforter, the spirit of truth.” Then I say I can be in you and you can be in Me, and thus you are One with God, Christ, and Me… but you also are a sinner… and redeemed. And then I say, “Let not your heart be troubled” about Who I am and who you are.

“Neither let it be afraid” of illness or disability, of when retirement is best for you, of revealing yourself as one who hears directly from Me, of financial need, of… You know how repeatedly I have assured you that you have had a well-designed and successful life, to be called above average but not quite superior. You have a doctorate, earned years ago, and a full, tenured professorship. You teach courses that you have created and continue to improve. You have a wife whom you have loved for many years, through trials and triumphs. I “designed” you for each other, and you both have done well with the freedoms I have allowed you.

Let not your heart be troubled with the idea that I would not stay as your companion for the rest of this earth life. I enjoy this non-traditional relationship, and I know you do, too. You needn’t be troubled, either about what shall happen to and with these volumes of Teachings. I have provided you a son who appreciates these and who will be led as I desire. Your present task is to hear Me with some regularity and to write and send out Our Ruminations, also regularly. This may be modified when you actually retire, but I’ll wait and see what the circumstances are when that time comes. (Then I’ll add, parenthetically, that I know how it will be, but I don’t choose to tell you this piece of knowledge.)

WED., AUG. 9, 1995, 9:55 AM

So beginneth this 13th chapter of John’s Gospel, with Me, as Jesus, gathering the disciples for a farewell “talk”. It’s too bad that your group will skip a week, but with at least 2 who would be “missing” it is the best decision. I want you to go on and study the next 2 chapters, so you don’t lose the continuity (even as I said, at the end of 13, “let’s be going”).

Let not your heart be troubled… for in this discourse I clearly state . . .

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