Let Your Spirit Control

THURS., JUNE 12, 1997, 7:34 AM

I, Holy Spirit, have given you a “road map” for this scene in your present life adventure. You just have reread it, and I want you to do so each day that you’re here. Perhaps this will be your last visit here. Either way, make it a good one, insofar as you can.

The walk around the Punahou campus was a nostalgic one, and you and Bonnie shared experiences and observations. Your sense of spirit-in-the-place was not as strong as I wanted it to be, partly because you didn’t let Me remind you, through that Tuesday Teaching. It just shall be helpful if you revisit those ideas, suggestions, and “commands” at the beginning… and the end… of each day here.

Your tentative planned “schedule” is a good one, but know that unanticipated opportunities will arise, as happened yesterday. It was good that you shared with Bonnie in her remembrance of her parents who have “moved on”. You could have felt more, the spirit in that burial place, but you also saw how even stones become weathered, as those buried are forgotten. In every life there are many “scenes”, and most of you will not return often to a scene that is past.

As you expected, Howard’s and Joanne’s children and grandchildren are the focus of their attention, and you have not shared enough of their life together to feel comfortable among them. Let your spirit control in these family encounters. Accept your “outsider” place, but enjoy the interactions in which you are included, at least. Don’t try too hard, but don’t withdraw either.

Your interaction with your Dad was easier and better than you expected. Continue to share remembrances and be not bothered by his only partial recollection of people and events. Let your spirit guide you as you tell him stories, knowing that he is likely to have only a partial memory of your even being here. Perhaps you shall experience more of his condition as you age… or perhaps your body will fail before mind and spirit are much diminished. You see, again, the disadvantages of old age.

Don’t expect too much from your encounters today. Just let your spirit respond when there are some enjoyable encounters. Know that you will be a very minor addition to this gathering, even mildly resented by some. Your “party” comes later this month. Here… just appreciate any attention you get, being as humble as you can be about your inclusion at all.

Be aware of and appreciate the broader lessons in this visit. Resist the perception that this all is important in its actual happenings and interactions. Look more for the lessons about life, lessons that go beyond these particular circumstances… for there are some, say I… Who knows.

For example, a lesson from yesterday… you saw some Punahou buildings that were part of your actual experiences here, along with others that have become familiar through visits like this one. Changes continue, and the “representations” of your time here become rarer. Your Dad’s life now has little relationship to most of his adult life, and less and less to even the early years here, with your Mother, in their apartment. And so it is and shall be for you and your life.

Oh, for those interested you shall leave volumes of these Teachings, and you and I both can be pleased if some of these are helpful in the spiritual lives of some younger folk, some as expected, others quite unexpectedly. Have no great expectations for such, but just be pleased when you discover such has happened.

THURS., JUNE 12, 1997, 7:34 AM

I, Holy Spirit, have given you a “road map” for this scene in your present life adventure. You just have reread it, and I want you to do so each day that you’re here. Perhaps this will be your last visit here. Either way, make it a good one, insofar as you can.

The walk around the Punahou campus was a nostalgic one, and you and Bonnie shared experiences and observations. Your sense of spirit-in-the-place was not as strong as I wanted it to be . . .

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