
SAT., MAR. 12, 1983, 5:38 AM

You come again in the early morning to this most familiar place for meditation, and you have to admit that it still is a bit chilly. Your heater is going, but its heat output is not what it should be. Nevertheless, this is where you should be this morning… and you knew that… so hear from Me about letters.

You think of several that you should write today… and you also think of those letters that make up much of the New Testament. And this should cause you to remember that I have told you, repeatedly, that the letter is a fine means of communication… that the letter and the story should be that which distinguishes you as an educator and communicator during this last decade or so of your career.

You wrote the Christmas letter, a bit shorter than previous issues, but a good balance of your life story for this year past. Begin to send it out, even today, for many will value it and its contents. You know I wanted a Ruminations before now, but the other tasks you have for this week are formidable, so I suppose that will have to wait. The letter to Mabel is a good and proper one for you to write. Edit it once more, with prayer, to be sure that you tell your story, but with love and respect for her and hers. I want that particular form of letter to become well known during these next years. Responses to these are important, so be sure and save these that you have and put them together in one place. You may want to put them together in some way in the future.

As I have told you, the letter is a special kind of communication… not so much in its actual content, but in the anticipation it brings forth in those who read and receive it. Anticipation rises as one opens a letter. The desire to hear and to know about what is happening with the writer is kindled. The opportunity for communication is maximum for the written form. Seek always the best balance between seriousness and phrases or accounts that bring a smile, at least. You are correct in associating humor with spirit… and with Me. It is one of My good gifts to this earth, but one not often attributed to Me. Go easy in proclaiming this, but embody it in your letter writing. But, of course, it must be part of your spirit before it can be a natural part of your letters.

Don’t ever forget or devalue the fact that Paul’s contributions to Scripture are letters. They begin and end as letters, and should be read as such, even when you read only portions. Try to remember this. Your Ruminations must retain this “letter quality”. You have done this well so far. Just be aware as you finally write again in this format.

A letter is a marvelous gift. Be generous in offering and presenting such gifts as your life proceeds. Never resent the fact that you ow someone a letter. Even these letters of recommendation that you have been writing are important. Do the ones for Tom… you are not keeping a promise in that regard.

Yes, I approve of the idea (or was it Mine?) of putting the church Newsletter into more of a personal letter form. Try it for a few months and see how you, and others, like it. Let it be offered in the spirit of friendship… that which the letter form conveys, almost automatically.

SAT., MAR. 12, 1983, 5:38 AM

You come again in the early morning to this most familiar place for meditation, and you have to admit that it still is a bit chilly. Your heater is going, but its heat output is not what it should be. Nevertheless, this is where you should be this morning… and you knew that… so hear from Me about letters.

You think of several that you should write today… and you also think of those letters that make up much of the New Testament. And this should cause you to remember that . . .

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