Liberation Theology

TUES., FEB. 7, 1989, 8:09 PM

It is strange that you did not at least think of Me as a source for information on this concept. It is not Biblical as such, but you clearly know that I, the Holy Spirit, am active in and aware of all that goes on here in the earth. Thus, I surely must have some comment on this manifestation of the Christian faith. This is an unusual time to come, but you are true to your present commitment. I am here, o son.

Liberation theology rests on the faith that I, as the Triune God… Father, Son, and Holy Spirit… am interested in setting humans free, those bound in ways that prevent their serving Me as they should… and might under freer conditions. This certainly can include those who are economically powerless and politically unable to change and improve the system. I have been the God Who liberates captives, even in dramatic ways. Shouldn’t I care about those who are modern day slaves, even if the term is not quite accurate?

I glory in those servants of Mine… priests, ministers, and lay Christians… who see leadership in this movement, in Latin America and elsewhere, as an expression of their faith and as an evidence of what salvation can do. These are ones who work unstintingly for the betterment of living conditions for some who are culturally bound, and do this genuinely in service to Me. This means that the consequences of their active leadership is finally unimportant. What is crucial is this loving service to Me, with results willingly left in My hands.

Now there are others who may appear to be just as dedicated, and even more effective, but their concern is more for the downtrodden people and for themselves. In one sense they create a God who wants only what they want… who is only on their side. And some do bask in their successes and in their martyrdom. The righteous cause they champion is tarnished a bit by the absolute assumptions about My will and desires. I can discern the motives clearly, even when My Name is offered as the bedrock for the movement.

In truth I am the God who liberates and who also leaves people to be in their circumstances. I liberated My people from Egypt and then kept them in the desert wilderness for an unreasonably long time. They were given the land of milk and honey, but I allowed conquerors to succeed. When I was born as Jesus the Hebrew people were not free, and I refused to accept the role of actual political liberator… nor would I use supernatural powers to change the system. The Christian movement, after My “death” and the death of Paul, could have faltered, but I came into the heart of an emperor and the religion flourished.

During the Second World War My original people, the Hebrews, were persecuted terribly, and there was little retribution for this. Then I liberated, indirectly, as the state of Israel became a modern reality. Now these descendants hold on fiercely to the status quo which favors them. Will I help liberate those of the Moslem faith who also yearn for a more ideal homeland? Or will I remain an advisor and counselor, stopping short of direct action?

What I seek is personal commitment, and I am pleased when such leads to dedicated action for liberation of a people. When force and bloodshed are part of the liberation I am less enthused, even if the cause is just. Yet I usually see genuine commitment on both sides of any conflict. And I also see selfishness and lack of spiritual motives on both sides. And… I see spiritual growth taking place under both conditions of freedom and of bondage.

So… while I admire the courage and tenacity of some who live out liberation theology I cannot endorse the movement as the only essence of Christianity. The spirit of true communism is noble, but as a government it has not been able to really manifest that spirit. The spirit of freedom, democracy, and capitalism is also noble, but it is hard to keep at a high level. What opportunities those have who have money and power! When I see this used voluntarily and abundantly for the good of others rather than for personal luxuries I see the promise that is in humankind revealed. So movements based on ousting those in power so that others might wield it are rarely exemplary.
Liberation truly is from dependence on self & the earth and toward full living with Me. Viva Liberacion.

9:12 AM