Life And Death

March 21, 1980, 5:31 AM

It did not take long, o son, for you to see the theme about which We shall speak this rainy morning.  Certainly it is appropriate.  As you listened to Elisabeth last evening you knew that you should have a teaching on this subject that you shall be considering these days.  It is important.  Listen well.

Death is surely a part of life.  Fundamentally, remember, life continues, so death is an event in ongoing life.  This is so for the person who dies, as well as for those who live on.  It is more dramatic for the one who dies.  Elisabeth describes it well.  You come into My presence, and We communicate about your life as it has been lived out here in the earth.  As she said, it is a time for love, not for judgment.  Consider what you would do in some traumatic happening with one of your children.  Let’s say John Patrick is greatly distressed over something that has not happened to him ever before (or so it seems).  You are with him, and your inclination is to love him and accept him just then.  If judgment is necessary, that can come later.  And so it is with Me, at death… and I do it perfectly.

Death is movement through another door.  Life continues, certainly.  Life is My gift.  It is not something to be and then to not be.  I admit that there is this illusion, but know that it is not reality.  Know that Peter continues his life… and Rick and David Price, and Lisa Irwin and Billy Dunkel… those whom you considered last evening.  Their time in the earth was short… but what is short, and what is long?  In My everlasting Kingdom there is no time and there is no death.  There is life and growth toward selflessness – the absolute fullness of life.  Life is to be expended for others.  It is not to be treasured and hoarded as having value in itself.  Some folks never encounter this truth here in the earth.  Some forget it as they incarnate into physical bodies.  Just know this yourself, and forget it not.  And live it out, as fully as you are able.

Feel no guilt as you realize ways of wrong thinking.  Just learn and improve.  In the conversation with Larry about Joyce you were struck, forcefully, with the selfish way you were thinking, not appreciating the real merit of Joyce’s way of life.  It will be less likely to happen to you in the future.  Be aware.  Appreciate the evidence of real life.

Now let’s go back to the truth that death is a part of life for those who live on in the earth.  You talked last evening to Tom and Amaryliss (yes, I did arrange that) and you encountered two people struggling to overcome the “loss” of their two sons.  You should have said what you felt, at one point: “This experience makes you uniquely able to relate to others who suffer similarly.  This is a gift in the midst of this continuing life.”  The death of a loved one is loss, truly, but it is, or can be, should be, a gain in growth and in understanding.  To participate in the experience, as you and Lenore did, is recommended.  The more fully you participate, the more fully you learn.  And the fundamental learning is that life continues, for everyone.

You shall come to know more about communication across the dimensions of life.  Just know now that communication is possible.  In a way similar to the way you hear Me you can receive and send messages from one realm of life to another.

Assess very carefully your death education class as it mounts to a culmination.  Assess the strategy you have used and consider the merits of another.  I shall not say which it shall be.  Just assess.

Hear carefully all that is said and otherwise communicated today.  There is much to learn… much to learn about the living of life as death occurs.  Resist the urge to become callous and “objective” about death.  It is a real event, given the reality of this earth.  Life in the earth is valuable, and the passing on of anyone can be genuinely mourned.  But also let it point you to the clearer realization of relationships that remain tangible… that there is truly no guarantee of any time here in the earth.  Joy in each meeting.  Part as if it is the last… and yet will be again.  Truly it is a rhythm.

Life and death is ultimate rhythm.  In the midst of individuality there is also the whole.  Life must go in order that life may come.  The rhythm is a little “off” at this time.  The future must bring more deaths… or at least passage on to other realms.

Ponder these truths in the midst of the many others you encounter.  Live this day.  It is a gift from Me… as is every day and everything.  My pleasure!


6:38 AM