Life And Death: A Revisit

SAT., APR. 12, 1997, 10:26 AM

Just from this one folder you see that you have received many worthwhile Teachings from Me, the Holy Spirit, on relationships between life and death. The fundamental truth, of course, that I have offer you, yet again and in perhaps another form, is that life is continuous and death is merely a transition from this form of life (human… in bodily form) to some other. What it will be depends on your spiritual maturity and what you need “next”.

You are a fairly well-developed spirit, so bodily death will bring you almost a flood of realizations, and you’ll wonder why all of this hadn’t been clear as you lived, in body. But you’ll also realize (with both/and thinking, My favorite, it is not difficult to consider, as real, two ideas that seem to contrast and conflict) that it usually is necessary to give up some important knowledge, in order that the earth experience might be a true testing and an arena for much spiritual growth. As you mature you willingly give up this knowledge for the bodily experience, but, paradoxically, this makes it easier to remember.

In this earth realm of Mine, death is quite essential, an important part of the overall plan. The secular humanism of your culture tries to deny this and to affirm that human lives must continue, almost “no matter what”. Some Christians have expanded My Commandment of “Thou shalt not kill” to mean that causing or allowing the death of any person (even sometimes applied to animals) is a sin that I shall punish. Well, I tell you again of the need for balance here on this small planet, and that includes a balance between life and death in humans.

Instead I say, to you, the more you are attached to this bodily life the more you deny My sovereignty over the balance, the web of life. I want you to serve Me in some of the many ways I have suggested. I want you to value your life, in such a way that you would give it up, for My sake. To prolong your life when its purpose has been fulfilled is self-serving, and sinful (and I don’t use that term much or easily).

Remember that the Scriptures of the Old Testament tell of My killing people, both directly and by means of warriors that were given this power. The New Testament story tells of My giving up My life as Jesus, as a young man… for the sins of the world. This brought about better spiritual balance, and still does. You see, for Me, “life” is essentially spirit. This body you have is just a “convenience” (with increasing “inconvenience”, you notice). I have given life to the spirit that is your ongoing soul, and it can be taken back only by Me.

Some of these Teachings shall be shared with Willy and Charlene Scott as they consider the potential shortness of Willy’s stay here on earth. As I have told you, cancer is part of this earth scene that I have allowed. It is part of the balance with life enhancing technologies that have reduced other causes of death. It can be painful, but there are means of alleviation… and the promise that some pain encourages spiritual enhancement.

Willy is a good servant of Mine. He knows Me, and I know him. If his life can continue to be of service to Me, even in some new ways, I shall be pleased. Then when it is time, I shall welcome him warmly and personally as he comes across. It shall be sad for Charlene to be without her mate, but it will also be a spiritual challenge to find new and more ways to show love to others. Each stage of life is full of spiritual opportunities. That I guarantee.

You ask for a few years of retirement, with good health and physical vigor. I won’t guarantee this, of course, but it’s rather likely. Live fully in the present, but also look to the future and the transition to that wonderful realm of spirit… in one of My “many mansions”. It certainly is possible to both be happy and productive in your continuing earth life AND preparing for a return to realms that you know well. Just be AND… anticipate.

SAT., APR. 12, 1997, 10:26 AM

Just from this one folder you see that you have received many worthwhile Teachings from Me, the Holy Spirit, on relationships between life and death. The fundamental truth, of course, that I have offer you, yet again and in perhaps another form, is that life is continuous and death is merely a transition from this form of life (human... in bodily form) to some other. What it will be depends on your spiritual maturity and what you need “next”.

You are a fairly well-developed spirit, so bodily death will bring . . .

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