Life And Health

TUES., MAR. 4, 1986, 6:29 AM

There is a time, every now and again, for a Teaching that truly “sums up” what I have been communicating to you through many specific meditations. You shall do a Ruminations this month, and this will be a contribution to that awaited letter. I have brought you and Anna Marie together, via correspondence, and she shall benefit from this. It just is time, o son, for a summation.

Life is ongoing… eternal… everlasting. I am the Teaching, Counseling aspect of the only life source, God Almighty. You, as an individual life, came forth from Me… when? In timeless realms this has no answer. You are, you have been, and you will be. Yet these are earth terms and concepts, and they only apply here. You shall never fully comprehend this, for you are a very time conscious person in a time conscious culture. Just accept the glimmers of understanding that I offer to you, “from time to time.”

Life is the basic state of being. Health is the quality of that being. Your life is now manifested as a late middle-aged male, a Christian, a husband-father-grandfather, a professor… and so on… How well you live this life, in the many roles you have to play, is your health. One aspect of this is the functioning and adapting capacities of your physical body. In the medical model this is the focus for health. I have called you to be a leader in broadening this health concept, and you are doing reasonably well with this charge.

Whenever life is manifested in any way the concept of health is relevant. I am Spirit, but I certainly am Life, and therefore the question is relevant, “How healthy am I?” By definition I am in perfect health… yet some would doubt this. Some this day will pray fervently that I heal an ailing relative or friend, and the prayer will seem unanswered as the sick one “dies.” Others will pray that I bring peace, and evidences of war shall remain. Am I not healthy enough to answer every prayer… and change the world in miraculous ways? Just try to imagine My answering every prayer offered in exactly the way the petitioner wished. No, this ultimately would be unhealthy behavior for the Holy Spirit.

Any life in the earth is limited, and for some the time is quite short, by design or by chance. The actual length is of very little consequence in the total journey of soul development. Death of the body is an important experience in earth life. If you are ready for it, it can be an important spiritual experience. If you are not, it can be another opportunity missed. One of the teaching opportunities you have is in helping young people develop awareness and appreciation of this opportunity for growth… in the death of others, and ultimately in their personal demise. Do not shirk this responsibility nor lose its true nature in the minutia of a course. Know, this week, that your goal is enhancing the health of lives by this means… this important class.

You may wonder why each of you is not aware of the many manifestations of life in “forms” other than human. You gave this up as you came into the earth, and you live in a culture that discourages too much rediscovery of spirits. Part of health is to live life fully as you have it and not seek experiences that are not relevant to this life. Some persons waste much time and effort in an earth life seeking to know that which becomes very clear with death. And then they realize they have passed up golden opportunities in the earth in pursuing this inappropriate knowledge.

TUES., MAR. 4, 1986, 6:29 AM

There is a time, every now and again, for a Teaching that truly “sums up” what I have been communicating to you through many specific meditations. You shall do a Ruminations this month, and this will be a contribution to that awaited letter. I have brought you and Anna Marie together, via correspondence, and she shall benefit from this. It just is time, o son, for a summation.

Life is ongoing… eternal… everlasting. I am the Teaching, Counseling aspect of the only life source, God Almighty. You, as an individual life . . .

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