Life As A Pre-Elderly

FRI., SEPT. 24, 1982, 6:42 AM                                           

You knew, o son, that you should arise here at the end of a week and meditate with Me.  Yet your mind was not receptive to themes and titles.  It took awhile, even with your experience, to quiet down and be ready for My words.  Now you can feel My presence, and you expect your pen to move along steadily, recording these thoughts for your later use.

Last evening you introduced three elderly people to your class, and the experience was a good one for all involved.  It also reinforced in you that you are in that age group that could be called the pre-elderly.  You haven’t had the length and breadth of experience that they have had, but your experience is more like theirs than it is of the students’.  You still foresee many life-in-the-earth-experiences ahead of you, but you also realize the quantity of those you already have had.

Each period of life can have its trials, but I shall focus mostly on the positive… each period has its positive merits, and this one you are in certainly has.  You have an advantage that most your age do not have, of course.  You have this regular guidance from Me… and you have the knowledge, dim but real, that this life is part of a long, continuous process toward spiritual maturity and enlightenment.  You are well along this path, but are not close to the end.  The journey is more important than the end… for you now.  Spend minimal time assessing yourself.  Rather just take the life experiences that flow to you and make them as full, worthwhile, and spiritual as possible.  You’re not quite comfortable with this posture yet, but “it’s coming”.

As a pre-elderly you still have tasks to anticipate.  Do not settle yet into doing just what you want to do.  Retain the challenge of doing some things that others want you to do, but which you would not choose.  You do not have to do much of this, but do not be quick to reject opportunities that have this quality.

You still must function as a scholar on some occasions, knowing and quoting what other researchers or scholars have found and reported.  You move, however, inexorably toward the time when expression of your own insights shall be your major contribution.  That will not be as hard as continuing to value and quote the conclusions of others.  This is your pre-elderly challenge.

In spiritual realms, of course, these age categories have a potentially different meaning.  In earth life you are in your mid-50’s, which is not young and is even edging out of middle-age.  You are not yet elderly, and you think little of retirement and that last span of an earth life time.  So I call you pre-elderly, which means you are moving out of middle age and on toward elderly.  You cannot regress toward youth, really, and progress toward and through the period of elderly is not usually seen as a continuing upward path… but, rather, one toward deterioration and death.

Though this is an earth reality it can be transformed somewhat by spiritual knowledge and experience.  You know that your spiritual path is not bound by this earthly life.  The progress is not regular and predictable, as aging is.  In each age period you can move ahead, spiritually, you can remain becalmed, or you can regress.  Success in the middle years does not guarantee success in the pre-elderly period.  But it is equally possible that success in the middle years can lead to even greater success, in spiritual maturity, as you move toward the end of life.

FRI., SEPT. 24, 1982, 6:42 AM                                           

You knew, o son, that you should arise here at the end of a week and meditate with Me.  Yet your mind was not receptive to themes and titles.  It took awhile, even with your experience, to quiet down and be ready for My words.  Now you can feel My presence, and you expect your pen to move along steadily, recording these thoughts for your later use.

Last evening you introduced three elderly people to your class, and the experience was a good one for all involved.  It also reinforced in . . .

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