Life Assessment

THURS., JAN. 30, 1992, 9:13 AM

The explanation of your Wellsprings model should always encourage you to do some life assessment. You consider yourself to be a healthy man, for your young-old status. This is a positive model as you present it, but you still look too often at the negative aspects… your weaknesses. Just know that I continue to urge you to look at life positively and to assess your health more in terms of what you’re doing right… and well.

Your body functions rather well. You feel that the function is coming back slowly to your left foot. Continue to walk as normally as possible and the healing may continue. Yet My earlier admonition still holds: it would be nice if this handicap gradually diminished, but you could be just as healthy with the handicap and the increased social and spiritual health that has come with it. Yes, it is unfortunate that you didn’t share this example with the class this morning. You can continue to assume that your shoulder also will return to normal, with continued use. Your sexual dysfunction also is bothersome. You can accept it, as you have, or you can seek to work on some way to restore the action with Lenore. Don’t be afraid.

Your satisfaction with your working life is maximal. Your pleasure with your classes and with your work setting surely is a positive factor in your health. Your main problem now is with success… with having classes increase in size so that having them at the Farm is more difficult… at least takes more planning. Continue to take the responsibilities that come to you (without seeking more), so that you do your part to maintain the good relations. Worry not about the money. I shall continue to provide.

You have almost lost the motivation to publish further in your field. I shall not push you toward these contributions, except to say that they could be helpful, and could further the development of the spiritual dimension in health. Our Ruminations and the newsletter remain the real priorities, along with your Christmas letter, now. I do want you to do this… before it competes with the next Ruminations. Letter writing must always be a priority.

Your Scripture reading and study has been improving lately. You did well with the “class” yesterday. Your focus should be application to life rather than scholarly understanding. Also… don’t forget to judge Scriptural passages and stories in terms of My sense of fun and humor. It is serious when Peter both assures the scattered Christians to whom he wrote that they have been elected for God’s salvation, paid for in Jesus’ blood and warns them that they’d better live accordingly or they’ll lose out. It is also funny, for they are being jerked back and forth… for their own spiritual growth. I and My servants do this to people. See it as the sense of fun.

Is length of life important? You understand better than most Christians that it is not, but, culturally, you still are affected, and you want to live on to a comfortable, secure old age. Perhaps your life will have that kind of ideal closing era. That is not fully determined, and you know Me well enough to put aside the sweet thought that We want you, and everyone, to have this wonderful, comfortable life to its end. What actually happens is part chance, and part an assessment of what you need. You are one who is growing well. I want this to continue, so if it isn’t happening in the ideal life you lead now I could change those circumstances.

Be who you are as a middle-class American man, but also be the unlikely mystic who hears Me and is not afraid to share what you have received, with persons designated by Me. Accept it as the fun of life that you don’t have to be one predictable person all the time. You didn’t answer the phone, for you are listening to Me, and this shall continue. Enjoy this unique aspect of your life… and isn’t it wonderful that some people can accept this about you!?

THURS., JAN. 30, 1992, 9:13 AM

The explanation of your Wellsprings model should always encourage you to do some life assessment. You consider yourself to be a healthy man, for your young-old status. This is a positive model as you present it, but you still look too often at the negative aspects… your weaknesses. Just know that I continue to urge you to look at life positively and to assess your health more in terms of what you’re doing right… and well.

Your body functions rather well. You feel that the function is coming . . .

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