Life? Both/And!

FRI., APR. 16, 1999, 6:22 AM

You look out the windows of this familiar room, and you note that with each day the leaves on the big trees are more and more evident. For this is the Spring season, yet again. Trees that are still alive bring forth leaves, to give evidence of the life still present. When a branch, or even the entire tree, does not produce leaves you say that it is dead… and it then can be used to produce heat on a cool evening.

And yet you see, to your left, many small trees, each “eager” to take the place of the ones that die. Now you just have seen the upper edge of the sun, which means, in truth, that this planet, Earth, has rotated on its axis, yet again, and another “day” has begun. Technically, it began in the midst of night, but, practically, a day “begins” with the “rising” of the sun.

With a little “push” from Me you began, last evening, another re-reading of Many Mansions, one of your introductions to the truth that life, in the human spirit, can be circular as well as linear. So, while it is evident that the seasons are circular… this is Spring, there have been Springs before and each year in the future will have an April and a Spring… it also seems evident that human lives are linear. You are born, you live for some number of years, and then you die. The obituary and the grave marker show a date for the beginning of a life and also the end.

Yet this book has helped in leading you to the truth that human life is both linear (as it appears to be in the obit) and circular or continuous. I “selected” a rather simple, not-well-educated man, a Christian by upbringing, to have and show forth two gifts. One was the capacity to diagnose the cause of certain human dysfunctions and prescribe a way or ways to return to expected function. The other was to “reveal” that, for many of you, life is circular… a developing spirit can be in more than one physical body, for its linear “duration,” reappearing, in the earth, in a “new” body, to have new and often different opportunities for growth.

Aha! Growth toward what? Here’s the linear aspect: your spirit has come forth from Mine, from Me, Holy Spirit. It has had “experiences” before this one as the essence of Bob Russell, both here in the Earth and in other, spiritual realms… for, in My House, there are many Mansions… or in My Mansion there are many rooms. It takes opportunities, in this earth life, to grow and develop positively, and eventually (this is the linear aspect) it shall merge back into Me. I was not diminished when you came forth from Me, but I will be enriched and enhanced when you finally return. Ah, that is a mystical concept, now isn’t it!?

Thus, some of what you are and have been in this life, now close to 73 years in linear terms, has been influenced, even determined, by previous life experiences, in the earth and “elsewhere.” Part of the “agreement,” as you come into bodily life, is that you are not to remember previous lives. But some of you, even in this culture, do discern that this life is part of a much longer faith journey.

And, importantly, you are to enjoy both the journey and the destination. You are not to “hurry” and “get here.” You are to enjoy and appreciate the events and experiences of this life… and then you’ll see (We’ll see, together) how well you lived it… and what “needs to come next.”

FRI., APR. 16, 1999, 6:22 AM

You look out the windows of this familiar room, and you note that with each day the leaves on the big trees are more and more evident. For this is the Spring season, yet again. Trees that are still alive bring forth leaves, to give evidence of the life still present. When a branch, or even the entire tree, does not produce leaves you say that it is dead… and it then can be used to produce heat on a cool evening.

And yet you see, to your left, many small . . .

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