Life Everlasting

SAT., MAY 9, 1987, 6:36 AM

After all these years of receiving Teachings from Me it seems strange that you still let your mind wander and rove even after you have the title. I know that you want to receive a Teaching… even this Teaching, but your control of your conscious mind is still pretty spotty. Nevertheless you are here, and I know you will remain and hear, even through the clutter. We can always hope for improvement.

When you spoke this week of your personal combination of perspectives you did not use the term “life everlasting” or everlasting life. This is the best term that I offer to you to bring together the three perspectives that include continuing life after death. When I create a life, it is not for one span in the earth only. Oh, I could create that way. Human beings could be like annual flowers. From a seed a new plant would grow, would flower, and then, with cool weather, would wither and die. Its only continuing life would be in the seeds it produces, which, in another season, will produce new plants. These will be like the parent plant, but individually different.

You recognize this as analogous to the human body. A body is created from two germ cells. It grows, is born, continues to grow, matures (usually), and finally dies. During life, however, one or more of its germ cells unite with those of another, and a new life (or lives) is created, related to, but not just like the parent. The “original” body really dies, decays, and is finally gone.

Now traditional Christianity does not accept this picture as a model for the human soul. This soul is created anew with each body that is conceived, and when the body dies the soul continues to live, either in heaven or in hell, with no opportunity for further growth. None is necessary. It is either a blissful life everlasting or a tormented one, but there is no traditional concept of any further progress. Earth life is, as you said, Pass or Fail.

I have offered you a picture of life everlasting which is more akin to the perennial flower. Once the plant is established, like those old roses or the peonies, it appears to die in the cold season, but when warm weather returns it returns to life, with new and increased growth. In this analogy the soul leaves the body as it dies (or even a bit before), but returns in another body in another season., to continue to grow… and be of value in the world.

I have told you, and I tell you again, that I offer a range of opportunities for the continued growth of the spirit that is the essence of each created soul. One opportunity is to be in the earth in bodily form. Many souls try this. Some find it quite growth producing. Others grow and develop better in other realms… or as angels or guides, without bodies, here in the earth.

I affirm to you and for your understanding that that life is everlasting, and the lives of individual souls last as long as it takes for the spiritual maturity to return to oneness with Me. For some this is almost like everlasting. You are enjoying a pleasant, productive life, with few troubles and problems. Some lives here in the earth this day are hellish, and for some of these the death of the body is a form of blessing. The fundamental fact, however, is an old one – growth can take place in any circumstance, even those hard and unpleasant.

SAT., MAY 9, 1987, 6:36 AM

After all these years of receiving Teachings from Me it seems strange that you still let your mind wander and rove even after you have the title. I know that you want to receive a Teaching… even this Teaching, but your control of your conscious mind is still pretty spotty. Nevertheless you are here, and I know you will remain and hear, even through the clutter. We can always hope for improvement.

When you spoke this week of your personal combination of perspectives you did not use the term “life everlasting . . .

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