Life Experiences

SAT., AUG. 16, 1997, 3:20 PM

The years of this earth life of yours have been three score and ten, plus one. You have had more experiences than you will have in your remaining earth years, but, quite obviously you can’t remember them all, and it isn’t truly important that you do. You have a past that is mostly pleasant to recall, and your present is… well, a time of transition that just must be “worked out”.

You can think about and plan some for the future, but, basically, you see it as less active, with a good deal of it unplanned. There certainly will be time for Me and My Teachings to you, but this slowness in completing Our Ruminations, for Spring?!, is bothersome. Remember that first semester back as a civilian student at UCLA… a light load, as a contrast to the heavy ones you had as a Navy student… and your poor performance, with lessened pressures. That was a life experience that could recur in this time. Be aware.

There have been rather few really tough life experiences for you. Yours has not been a “sheltered” life, but you have had mostly positive experiences… or ones you were able to adapt to successfully. In some ways this represents some positive karma, some good judgments on your part, and some “luck”. I have brought on some of your “hardships”, and I have shielded you from some others. You have no way of knowing what you actually have done “on your own”, and what accomplishments… and “failures” were influenced by Me. One of the joys of dying, in the earth, is becoming much more fully aware of why your life here was, as it was. As long as you’re here, incarnated, you can only speculate… can only know “in part”.

Dying can be quite a positive, last, life experience, and it should be, for you. (Considering it at your age will not make it happen, before your time.) As I have told you, often, death is also a birth, while birth has many of the characteristics (spiritual) of death. Just as births are easy, for some babies, so dying is easy for many spiritually advanced souls. Conversely, birth is a hard process for some, and so is dying, for those not prepared. It is quite silly to affirm that all humans are naturally afraid of dying and death. I realize some particularly in your humanistic culture, have such fears, but these are not “natural”. Coming back to Me, in joyful anticipation, is what is natural for those with developed spirits.

You are still a bit too prone to evaluate life experiences as good or bad, in the process or even in anticipation. There is potential spiritual value in every life experience, but you have to be aware of such and appreciate it, as it is happening… and in retrospect. In total you live life in a positive mode, but you still are more focused on possible negative consequences than you should be. You’re aware of this, but it doesn’t hurt to have Me remind you that I see this, also.

Church experiences, for you, have been mostly positive, as you reminisce. Your “sabbatical”, a time of visiting, was a good experience, as you had it. The Orthodox experiences should be seen as tests of your spirit, rather than prejudged as negative. (There were… and still are… some quite responsive mystics in the Orthodox tradition, but present ones are not given much recognition… kinda like you.)

I want you to continue to have interactive experiences with a range of people, including some present and future students. But I also want you to continue to hear Me and write what you hear… and to read and contemplate more than you have done lately.

SAT., AUG. 16, 1997, 3:20 PM

The years of this earth life of yours have been three score and ten, plus one. You have had more experiences than you will have in your remaining earth years, but, quite obviously you can’t remember them all, and it isn’t truly important that you do. You have a past that is mostly pleasant to recall, and your present is… well, a time of transition that just must be “worked out”.

You can think about and plan some for the future, but, basically, you see it as less active . . .

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