Life Goes On…

MON., MAY 13, 1996, 1:09 PM

I, the Holy Spirit, am a vital “part” of the creative process that characterizes this small orb in space called earth. Life has been created in many forms, and these forms have developed variations as life goes on… Now you hear publicity about the actual and potential loss of certain forms of life, even species. This is mildly unfortunate, but it is somewhat like the publicity on the plane that went down in the Everglades. The loss of life in that accident was sad for those in families of which the dead were a part, but the news of nearly 250,000 new humans in the earth, in excess of all those who died, goes unreported… as non-news. From My perspective, your culture gives more attention to deaths than they deserve.

Why? Well, in the spirit of “fairness” and out of the influence of the medical establishment, you Christians allow a humanistic perspective to dominate. Though never stated as such, this perspective would decry almost every death and every threat to life and, presumably, would want every conception to be born and every human to live… forever. This, of course, is ridiculous, and I see it, finally, as a tacit rejection of Me, as the Triune God, and of My life, death, and resurrection as Jesus. I gave My life, so that others might live. This was mostly symbolic in that time of limited human population, but each year, now, it becomes more actual. I am in favor of the earth experience, for many of you continuing souls, but bodily death is as necessary as breathing out, which in your language is called expiration, which also is another term for death. To just breath in would not be healthy, as would just having births.

You were interested in the article on American life, “in the old days”, as compared with the present. I remind you of the lack of mention of Me and My influence, but otherwise it tells of change over the less than 400 years of your culture’s development. In many ways your culture is “better” now than in previous eras, but this just means that some groups had advantages, often at the expense of others. Your culture is rather strongly competitive, but different groups dominate at different times, with loss of status for others. Is this bad? Well, remember that I symbolically fanned the flames of competition and jealousy in Cain, begetting violence, “early in the Story”.

Your marriage and family commenced in that unusual decade, the 50’s. Life was good for you, for you were married to the one I chose for you, you prepared well for a lasting career, and your sons were both blessings and challenges. Those were good years, with small sons, but life went on, into the 60’s, 70’s, and on… Now you are enjoying the “fruits” of a worthwhile career, in which, as I’ve told you, you were above average, but not outstanding.

Spiritually, you were “born again” in the late 50’s and then “again” in the late 70’s. (John Patrick reminded you, yesterday, that the 10th and 11th of May went by this year, marking 17 years of this personal “spiritual era” of yours. You must not let the 20th go by without some recognition.) You were pleased that your 3 older sons are all strong Christians and active churchmen. It gives you some sadness that My special Gift to you is not appreciated by 2 of these sons, but this is matched by the joy of John Patrick’s acceptance and of some interest from Matthew. As life goes on focus on what is good rather than what comes out less than ideal. Remember that they have disappointments too, and for some of these I surely am responsible.

MON., MAY 13, 1996, 1:09 PM

I, the Holy Spirit, am a vital “part” of the creative process that characterizes this small orb in space called earth. Life has been created in many forms, and these forms have developed variations as life goes on… Now you hear publicity about the actual and potential loss of certain forms of life, even species. This is mildly unfortunate, but it is somewhat like the publicity on the plane that went down in the Everglades. The loss of life in that accident was sad for those in families of which the . . .

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