Life Goes On

FRI., JAN. 31, 1997, 6:26 AM

I have guided you toward a positive, holistic perspective on health… and of life. Certainly there are tragedies… accidents… ill health… death… but I want your focus to be on positive health. You are becoming aware of conditions in your nearly 71 year old body which could shorten this present earth life of yours. This becomes a test of your faith in Me and your commitment to this path on which I guide you.

There will be some urging toward medical procedures. You shall have to decide about such, but I shall continue to urge you toward the full living of life, whatever its length. You have awakened from a night of sleep (with some wakefulness, unfortunately), and you see the colors in the sky that precede the dawn. You are commencing a new day in the best way possible – listening to Me, the Holy Spirit. Symbolically, then, earth life is one day at a time. Dawn is the beginning of a new day, and sunset is the end. There is sleep in the night when your consciousness is gone and, in effect, so is your life.

So… live each day fully and positively. Savor conversations. Savor places… and activities. Be of service, including the writing of letters (and you are decidedly behind).

Note the title again (this is one important reason for your printing it anew on each page): this day is an opportunity for life. Live it fully. I have told you that you shall live as long as I want you to, no matter what you do to prolong life or postpone death. Make sure each day is as positive an experience of life as you can make it. This attitude, with behaviors commensurate, is the best means of living “longer”. And, of course, life, in the spirit, goes on, changed somewhat by bodily death, but still continuing. To prolong physical life by invasive medical procedures can be wasteful of important positive days.

You are becoming aware of several conditions that could cause your bodily death. Yet now you are feeling fine, with good energy, eager to conduct these last classes well, meeting the expectations of students who have expressed confidence in you. Appreciate the harmony of the several dimensions of your health. To go for some procedure now that would disrupt this harmony would likely do more harm than good.

Rather than being depressed about these several imperfections let knowledge of them become an impetus for full awareness and appreciation of life and its opportunities each day.

A few minutes ago the sky was ablaze in color. Now that has faded, and the sky is drab again… but you do see one “warm spot”, and in a few minutes the edge of the sun will appear. Don’t let your life become drab, just to prolong it. Appreciate that while bodily death may be akin to a sunset and then darkness, for you it will be quite a glorious sunrise, with more consciousness than you can imagine, now. Just trust.

You still have responsibilities, and not fulfilling them can be bothersome. Work toward new balancings, taking your slownesses into account…deciding what to do and what not to do. Consider the importance of this. What you do is not as important as how you do it. Be aware. Enjoy. Appreciate. Live each day… even small portions of each… as if it is your last… and then arise thankful that there is yet another.

FRI., JAN. 31, 1997, 6:26 AM

I have guided you toward a positive, holistic perspective on health… and of life. Certainly there are tragedies… accidents… ill health… death… but I want your focus to be on positive health. You are becoming aware of conditions in your nearly 71 year old body which could shorten this present earth life of yours. This becomes a test of your faith in Me and your commitment to this path on which I guide you.

There will be some urging toward medical procedures. You shall have to decide about such, but I . . .

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