Life Goes On…

MON., MAY 28, 2001, 7:02 PM

Yes, o son, your life does go on. Your oldest son has completed a visit here, both to remember his high school days (30 years back) and to “celebrate” your 75th birthday. He has “mellowed” somewhat over the years, but he still has the least regard for your professional life-style, of your sons. It was pleasant to have him here, and you wish him Well! in this 4th decade of his life.

Your feet, now, are, truly, just “uncomfortable,” but you also must admit that they do actually hurt, sometimes. You know that healing of injuries such as these, at your age, takes more time than has been, since last November, but you also are coming to accept, regretfully, that they may never fully heal, and that these hurting feet will be yours for the rest of this earth life. But… life goes on, and, if your sister can live nearly 60 years with rather constant pain, you should be able to finish this life, dealing positively with the pain that is yours to bear. Remember… it is only you who are responsible.

It was a good, but short, visit from Bob, but it is nice that life goes on in a more presently predictable way. You have enjoyed visits from family members, (and some others) and chances to travel and visit them. Now it is more likely that you shall do little traveling… and that there will be fewer visits here, by family and friends. There was a time for such, and that time is now ebbing. Life goes on… in a more quiet, restricted way.

There still is plenty for you to do. You see too much “disarray” around this house (both in and out), and now you shall have time to “neaten” that, without great strain on your elderly self. There is a lot that you still can do… like another Ruminations, written, but not printed and sent forth. And then… the next one, so that you can get back to the “schedule” you and I both prefer.

Continue to consider reducing the number of animals dependent on you (not counting the bothersome but not-very-destructive squirrels), and then take some actions appropriate. You should keep some, but, as life goes on, the numbers and variety you have had can become excessive. ( 7:28 / 7:30 )

Life goes on, and this week you shall complete the move from the small office you have occupied, in your “Departmental Floor” of Pulliam. The major “treasure” you still want to keep are the volumes created by your Death Education classes. You haven’t looked at these for several years, but you do want to review this “contribution” to your life, in these emeritus years. So… retrieve these tomorrow, and then give up that small “attachment” to your long, former career, and “move on.” You will find other sites in which you can hear Me and write Teachings, there on the campus or somewhere else in town.

You have an ideal place here to continue your life as My servant, even as it was good to have the “variety” of that small office. Let this “move” from your office be a stimulus to keep this room of Ours in a more neat condition. You can make “choices” and can decide to get rid of books and other materials that are not likely to be useful or of interest in the future you shall have. Your barn is still in good enough condition to keep some materials, that you MAY want to “review” at some later time.

Life goes on, and this place gives many opportunities to be part of the life processes. Seeds and plants are encouraged to grow, giving the satisfaction of flowers or food that are part of the life this place allows… even encourages. Keep this as part of your “life style.”

MON., MAY 28, 2001, 7:02 PM

Yes, o son, your life does go on. Your oldest son has completed a visit here, both to remember his high school days (30 years back) and to “celebrate” your 75th birthday. He has “mellowed” somewhat over the years, but he still has the least regard for your professional life-style, of your sons. It was pleasant to have him here, and you wish him Well! in this 4th decade of his life.

Your feet, now, are, truly, just “uncomfortable,” but you also must admit that they do actually hurt, sometimes . . .

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