Life… Here And There

TUES., JUNE 23, 1992, 11:50 AM

Back in your most familiar place, you have reduced your sleep debt, but in this time of relaxation you find tasks piling up. I have given you several, and I don’t want you to leave these undone. Others loom, but you shall have the time for them, before another class requires much of you.

This is your life here now, but I aim to offer you a wider look at that which you are “in the midst of” now.. life, that is. I have told you often that human life soon will be “out of balance” with the rest of earth life, so expect various ways in which humans will die prematurely. This is not a prophesy, but just a part of the education I offer you. I realize it is hard to speak favorably about loss of human life, through war, disease, or famine, but these are the easy, “classic” means by which lives are lost, in the earth. Remember, however, that lives are truly not “lost,” but simply move into another “form”. Spirit continues. Experiences continue. But balance in the earth is improved, even if a little.

Generally speaking, this earth supports the balance of life that I favor rather well. Of course I see excesses in both directions, and I generally let these work themselves out, with intervention from Me. You have read of the excessive, hungry grasshopper population in Oregon, and they certainly have caused damage in an area, but their natural life span is short, and the damage will be limited, as they thrive for a time. The analogy to human life is a partial one.

Wars occur because some groups want to dominate others. The Old Testament story is full of wars and conflicts, so it is rather clear that though I may favor peace I allow violence in this realm… and have even encouraged it in some instances. Some of the motivations behind wars are motivations I encourage in other circumstances. You just can’t always have one without some of the other. And, as I have also told you often, though there is death, harm, and destruction in war it also is an arena for spiritual growth and development. Mostly the balance is one I just observe rather than cause.

You have definite mixed feelings about famine and starvation, mostly in Africa now, affecting babies and children. I want you to retain some sense of compassion for these innocent sufferers, for I do, as I watch them pass on over and out of the earth scene, often with little chance to experience varied human life. Yet I also want you to hold to the premise that there is too much reproduction there, and in other places in the earth, for the capacity of the land to sustain an increased population. If some don’t die now that land can be permanently ruined for any human habitation and no one will be able to live there. This is not what I wish for My earth. Some balances must come with harshness.

Life is both sturdy and adaptable… and fragile and vulnerable. Though My death as Jesus was fundamentally for spiritual purposes, it also symbolized an important physical/environmental truth – that out of death comes new life, better than ever. You see the panorama of life and death quite vividly on this Farm. Some plants return in the Spring and Summer. Others do not. Where there was brown there now is green, but without the beneficial rain even the green shall fade.

I enjoy the panorama of earth life. I am not as focused on and enamored of human life as your humanistic culture is. And yet… yes, I do encourage some devout servants of Mine to be zealots for the lives of unborn babies. This is a result of My love for diversity and not necessarily approval of their position. Don’t try to discern some universal message from Me, except one focused on balancing and balance. You hear Me clearly as to the kind of servant I want you to be. Just don’t try to hold Me to one single position.

TUES., JUNE 23, 1992, 11:50 AM

Back in your most familiar place, you have reduced your sleep debt, but in this time of relaxation you find tasks piling up. I have given you several, and I don’t want you to leave these undone. Others loom, but you shall have the time for them, before another class requires much of you.

This is your life here now, but I aim to offer you a wider look at that which you are “in the midst of” now.. life, that is. I have told you often that human life . . .

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