Life In The Earth

SUN., JUNE 28, 1987, 6:39 AM

You have become familiar with the designation “in the earth”, referring to human life, incarnated in bodies, living a certain number of years, here on planet Earth. I use “in the earth” because I want it to imply more active participation than “on the earth” would.
6:53 / 6:57
When an immortal soul comes into a small body before it is born it begins a unique life experience, and must participate in this incarnated state, in a body that is in the earth.

This is a particular kind of potential growth experience that not all spirits have. You know that there now, probably, are more souls in the earth than have ever been here in recorded history… and there shall be yet more in bodily form. This is a condition I am allowing, for reasons I shall not share with you today. I am aware of the effects of this human epidemic, but, remember, I still am in charge here, and I can cause or allow any number of happenings that shall alleviate the developing stress.

So one characteristic of life, in the earth is that it is more “crowded” than ever before. Paradoxically, however, you now live in a less crowded environment than when you were young, when world population was much smaller. With your children gone on into adult life you feel no crowding at all, but intellectually you know that numbers of people and use of non-renewable resources looks like a true problem for Me and for the earth. Continue to do what you can to make students and others aware of this situation, but you can leave the consequences to Me.

Life in the earth, in the culture of which you are a part, including the Christian tradition, features the battle between good and evil. With some this is excessively personified as a continuing struggle between Me, as Almighty God, and Satan, who supposedly defected from My service and somehow developed great power to encourage evil ways. Well, again I shall assure you that while the concept of evil is an important one for earth life, the notion that I am really opposed by a comparable force – that I share power that has been wrested from Me – is just not true. This is still My realm, even though I have structured it and allowed it to develop in ways that seem to deny this.

Why? Because the ultimate purpose of an earth life for each individual spirit/soul is to grow and develop and mature as a spirit. Growth comes in many different ways, one of which is through competition and struggle. Some persons, as you know, live very difficult lives. Life for some is very grim. Some attempt the struggle and lose out. Others may appear to be “losers” but actually accomplish much, even in adversity. You readily admit that while you have had some moments and situations of adversity, you have enjoyed a very easy life. And yet you have grown spiritually and continue to do so. In some ways the easy life is a greater challenge to the spirit, for there is so much, in the earth, to suggest that you have accomplished and that you deserve what you have. “All things come of thee, O Lord” can be forgotten or even rejected.

SUN., JUNE 28, 1987, 6:39 AM

You have become familiar with the designation “in the earth”, referring to human life, incarnated in bodies, living a certain number of years, here on planet Earth. I use “in the earth” because I want it to imply more active participation than “on the earth” would.
6:53 / 6:57
When an immortal soul comes into a small body before it is born it begins a unique life experience, and must participate in this incarnated state, in a body that is in the earth.

This is a particular kind of potential . . .

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