Life In The Earth

FRI., JUNE 13, 1997, 7:26 AM

Hear, o son, it’s time for some change of focus. Recent Teachings have been quite specific to your present life, on this trip. These are necessary, and I, as your Friend and Counselor, need to advise you as you get into new and different situations. But then I also like to remind you about life in a much larger and longer sense. Today is such an occasion.

I have told you, and, more importantly, you know that most of the important events and conditions in your life, this time in the earth, have been influenced by Me and pretty much “as planned”. Does this happen with every human? To a greater or lesser extent, with some a definite No. This means that the people of the earth are a marvelous amalgam of those chosen and directed, those who I influence to some extent, directly or indirectly, and those who have rather complete free will. Is this fair? Such a question has no relevance to Me, as the Triune God. I am the Creator and Sustainer, and life here is just about as I want it to be.

One of your attractions to this Presbyterian denomination, of which you have been part for over 40 years, was this “doctrine” of election. Your “theological ancestors” knew, from relationship with Me, that they had been chosen, and they lived and worked, and accomplished, in gratitude for such a condition. But this became an “embarrassment” in a culture that sought to be democratic and true to the principle that “all men… and women… are created equal”. There is some merit to such a culture, but it does tend to redefine Me into its ideal and see Me as more egalitarian than I really am.

Now I have to admit that if this one life you are now living were the only such experience you could have then I would be “unfair”. Actually the “system” is much more just, for you have diverse opportunities to grow and develop in spirit, and any present life situation is influenced, even determined, by what and how you have done in this or other realms “before”.

And, yes, I do have “favorites”. The Scriptural Story, and stories, certainly tells such. Often this just means more opportunities to achieve or to fall back. And, as I have told you repeatedly, I just like to have fun. I have had fun in guiding you, from our decision for you to come here and be a coach, to Our persistence in courting and marrying Lenore, to your professional achievements, necessary for this last phase of your life, and your influence in the field and, more importantly, in some folks’ lives.

Oh, you could have been more “successful”, but, as I encourage you to think, I focus more on the positive… what you have done and been, than on the “not-quites”. Some who have benefited from your life and Our relationship, have been “sent” by Me, while others have just come “on their own…” and it should make no difference to you who is who, or which is which.

Again I’ll remind you that I am not “in sync” with those in your culture (including too many Christians) who see this earth in terms of problems. I have helped you resist this perception of My earth, and I want you to persist in knowing that I still have the power to “change things” and that if I don’t, I must be satisfied. I am not a weak, incompetent Creator and Sustainer… and I have My reasons for letting the Scriptures suggest this. (Yes, it does relate, in part, to My sense of fun.)

FRI., JUNE 13, 1997, 7:26 AM

Hear, o son, it’s time for some change of focus. Recent Teachings have been quite specific to your present life, on this trip. These are necessary, and I, as your Friend and Counselor, need to advise you as you get into new and different situations. But then I also like to remind you about life in a much larger and longer sense. Today is such an occasion.

I have told you, and, more importantly, you know that most of the important events and conditions in your life, this . . .

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