Life Is Circular?!

FRI., JUNE 7, 1996, 7:40 AM

The orthodox Christian view of life is linear. An individual is conceived from two cells, and a body begins to grow. Importantly, a potentially immortal soul is in this developing embryo, a brand-new one, without any previous living experience… not “pre-owned”. The baby is born alive, usually, with spirit as an integral dimension of being, capable of development, like the other dimensions. Then comes earth life, and any spiritual development enriches this young soul.

Death may come at any time, of course, but in your culture the average length of bodily life is mid-70’s. The purpose of life is to acknowledge God as the Creator and Sustainer of life and to accept, in mind and spirit, that Jesus was God on earth, and that his death was the atonement for your sins. At death there is judgment, as to your faith in Me, as the Triune God and as to your intentions and your actions in your earth life. Death is the end of that earth life, the only one you’ll ever have. Life goes on, with the soul, in heaven, if you are judged worthy, and in hell, if you are unworthy.

The Scriptures give no clear story of life beyond this, except that it continues for eternity. There is no promise of further growth and development. Your earth sojourn was your only chance. You just “are”, for the “rest of eternity”, in bliss or in misery.

Yes, o son, I am responsible for this story and interpretation. It is a means to bring some to the faith, partly through what you would call a “scare tactic”. Do it right, and you’ll be blessed for eternity. Do it wrong, and you’ll suffer for eternity. You have a choice. Which will it be?

Now, true, there is a secondary story. In it I am a God of love, and My death, as Jesus, did pay for all your sins. I, as God, want you all back with Me, and so… It isn’t clear then what happens or whether forgiveness negates atheism, agnosticism and selfish living in the earth. But, again, the theme is that this earth life is the development of a newly created soul, it lasts minutes to many years, and then it is over, for eternity.

Yet you are aware, in a crude, unclear way, that matter is, finally, energy, and energy is not lost or gained, but is constantly being transformed. The energy that is in the form of atoms and molecules and tissues in your body is constantly changing form. New molecules are formed. Others die, but the material becomes part of other new molecules. The food you take in is composed of molecules that have been in many forms. The life process is clearly circular. What is now has been something else and when now is over will be, yet, something else again.

You notice that My title is both a question and an affirmation. The truth of the affirmation does not negate the question. The story I tell you does not negate the more orthodox one I just have recapped. They each contain truth. Why must one be rejected for the other one to dominate? Why, then, were the writings of My servant Origen branded anathema and his interpretation of life as circular nearly wiped out of Holy Scripture? I’ll just say I have My reasons.

Then I’ll say that, again for My reasons, I have wanted you to know the “circular story”. As you came into being you were not a brand-new soul. You have had previous earth experiences, as well as growth in other spirit realms. I, the Holy Spirit, am the Fount of all spirit. Spirit is energy. Energy can become matter. Life is growth, away from Me or back toward Me. When you have grown sufficiently your soul, which is the accumulated growth of spirit, voluntarily becomes part of My essence. From this comes forth new souls to begin what is, in one sense, a linear journey, and also is, finally a circular experience.

Know also that acceptance of Me as the Christ and of My gift of forgiveness for your sins is a short-cut to the return. You are now in a state of non-attachment. You know what you finally will do, but you still want to live, freely, and serve in some important ways.

8:37 AM