Life Is Continuous

SEPT. 21, 1981, 5:06 AM

Hear, o son, a teaching that shall have to be utilized carefully. It shall be of value in understanding life as you are living and observing it, but it could be troublesome to some of your orthodox Christian brethren. On the other hand, it could be an effective “transition” teaching for those who would go beyond “one life” thinking.

Let’s start with “one life”. Do you have one life or many? The answer is Yes to both. Once you are created life is continuous… so it can be said that you have only one fundamental life. Yet that life is manifested in different forms, in different realms, so that it is also truth to say that you have many lives. Just as, in the life you are living now, you have a number of roles that you play, some in competition with others but all being manifestations of you, so it is in the continuity of life.

I create you. Creation is My realm. I create you and set you on the path toward spiritual maturity and enlightenment. The earth is a special realm in which to grow and develop. It is competitive, in that the other dimensions of being, the physical and the mental, for example, may seem so real… more so than the spiritual. Progress that has been made may be lost. The path is not always a forward one, here in the earth.

Just as your own sons have varying concerns toward and about you, so it is with My creations… and even more so. Some take My hand early in their continuous life, growing and developing back toward Me, finally becoming One with Me, the Creator, Savior, and Teacher. I speak to you as Jesus, who was and is the Christ, but also as others who also have become the Christ. It isn’t that I need more perspectives or greater maturity. I do not become less because I manifest Myself in creation… for how could I create but out of Myself? I do not become greater because those who achieve enlightenment… true salvation… become part of Me again… yet that is how it is.

I am continuous, and therefore life is continuous. Individual lives, in human body form, obviously are created and also, apparently, die and are no more. So the totality of life is continuity intermixed with discontinuity. You are getting older… and also developing more maturity. One is a path toward death and destruction; the other is the path back to Me. One shall be “over” in a relatively few years. The other shall continue and continue. You are manifested as an individual only so long as you feel the need for individuality. As long as you do, then you have more lives to live in the earth.

Some take few sojourns here in the earth. Some are here repeatedly and constantly. Some are here for well-considered purposes. Some are “just here”. Humanity is a frightful mixture… as perceived by anyone but Me.

SEPT. 21, 1981, 5:06 AM

Hear, o son, a teaching that shall have to be utilized carefully. It shall be of value in understanding life as you are living and observing it, but it could be troublesome to some of your orthodox Christian brethren. On the other hand, it could be an effective “transition” teaching for those who would go beyond “one life” thinking.

Let’s start with “one life”. Do you have one life or many? The answer is Yes to both. Once you are created life is continuous… so it can be said that you . . .

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