Life Is Eternal

THURS., MAR. 10, 1988, 7:48 AM

I have told you this in many ways, o son, and yet I realize how much your culture and your Christian tradition deny this… or at least do not affirm it as I present it. You are called to be comfortable with this ambiguity. You are called to know that you are on a spiritual path that is at variance with most of those you know… and yet there are as many who are close as you need.

This path is not a new one for you. This life is not your first here in the earth. Yet each life in the earth is a new and fresh one, with, at best, only memories, dim and indistinct of other lives. Your task is to live this one, both as it has been designed and as it develops. For, yes, some of what you experience is by design and is part of your life plan, while much is just from interactions with people and the earth’s structures and forces that are not all “pre-planned.” You are more and more aware of what the design has been and is. Still… you can never be sure. That’s earth life for you. Just be pleased that you are more aware than most.

One of your “suspicions” is that you have been a teacher in other lives and realms. Yet then you wonder why you still feel a kind of nervousness as you prepare for and face some new teaching opportunity. I shall just confide that this feeling is appropriate, even for one experienced. Each new opportunity has potential for good, and also the potential for lack of success (even failure) in accomplishing the potential. Appreciate this nervous anticipation. In the aftermath appreciate first what you did well (or what We together did well) and then how it could have been improved. And know that this will be ever so.

Even in these last years of your present career maintain this awareness and this willingness to “do it differently” and better. Why? Because the chances are good that you shall have even more opportunities to serve in this fashion, in some other culture, as your eternal life continues.

8:17 / 9:29

The processes of life here in the earth is an analog to the spiritual life that appears in human form. Plants appear to die, and yet they return, in a similar but not an identical form. You can predict that it will be green around your Farm soon, but you cannot predict, with any accuracy, exactly which plants shall arise or how they shall grow. After death the spirit waits, for some number of reasons, (though the earth time could be minutes to many years), and then may return, with the same eternal purpose – to develop back toward oneness with Me, the Triune God.

One of the persistent questions about this interpretation of life is: does it make life “too easy,” since you can “make up” for mistakes made and selfish, self-centered actions? It’s easy in that you are simply not consigned to hell for eternity for a life not lived perfectly. You do avoid that “ultimate punishment.” On the other hand it is harder because as you gain spiritual maturity you just know that you must balance certain past experiences, and these may require real resolve and suffering. But you, finally, are the “winner”… and willingly come back to Me.

You see the analogy with a grading style. You could give tasks that only a few could complete successfully. You could offer no chances to make up for failures or assignments missed. You could total up the scores, and fail most of the class, because the standards are so high few can meet them. A failure ends the education for each failee. You close the book and send them forth with no word of encouragement… no way to reenter and try again. Oh, you could glory in the few who did meet the standards and did pass, even as some were not perfect.

THURS., MAR. 10, 1988, 7:48 AM

I have told you this in many ways, o son, and yet I realize how much your culture and your Christian tradition deny this… or at least do not affirm it as I present it. You are called to be comfortable with this ambiguity. You are called to know that you are on a spiritual path that is at variance with most of those you know… and yet there are as many who are close as you need.

This path is not a new one for you. This life is not . . .

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