Life Is Not Problems…

SAT., JULY 3, 1999, 5:23 AM

You were awakened early (by Me?), for it was evident, last evening, that you should have a Teaching to start what could be a busy day. The theme is akin to the perspective I urged on your during the last portion of your career, as a health education professional: health is a positive concept, not just the absence of some variety of problems. Or… as you have said… life is not problems to solve but relationships to understand… and “work with.”

The culture of which you are a part… and that has influenced your view of life… is one that identifies problems… endlessly. Some of these are true problems that can be “solved,” but others are just “part of life.” And… remember My parallel admonition: the solution to a problem may look, strangely, like the problem… or “a problem.” Your country’s… Or NATO’s… recent war is a good example. You “won” the war, with few casualties, but much expense and much destruction. Slabodan is still in power, but now his people are the endangered ones. So, was it a victory or just a shift in balance of power, which undoubtedly shall shift again?

You are one who makes lists of tasks to accomplish. The one on your desk now shows more than half of the items crossed off… accomplished. But you realized yesterday, as you were fertilizing the roses, that this wasn’t just a “thing to do,” so you could cross it off the list, but was actually a worthwhile task, that also was fun. At your time of life most of what you do should be fun… or at least perceived as fun.

Another prime example: this Study of yours (Ours). It is, of course, a mess. You want to clean it up, but you never can decide where to put the “stuff” you can’t bear to throw away. Thus, you see it as a “problem.” You shouldn’t feel this way about such a great place on this “ideal” Farm. Why not just accept that, while you might enjoy it more if it were neater you still need to enjoy it, as it is. Accept that it may always look like this. Vow, instead, that you won’t let it get messier. And… appreciate it for the wonderful room it is… and for all of the Teachings you’ve heard and written here, in the midst of mess.

I, of course, am not limited by time and space. I can be with you for this hour or more and be many other places, accomplishing many other tasks. I recognize time, but I am outside of it. I don’t need to make lists… and you don’t have to stand in live for an appointment with Me. Now of course I have powers and capacities quite beyond yours, but I also just have fun being Holy Spirit, and this empowers Me to do more than if I were slavishly checking off a list. Oh, lists can be helpful, but don’t let them spoil the fun you should be having… in being the now old “version” of Bob Russell.

Earth life is an adventure, part of the larger, wider, deeper adventure of your spiritual life. See each day (as best you can) as an adventure in itself, always with the potential for further maturing of your spirit. (And I use this term, maturing, in a positive way… not reaching an old, set pattern, but moving toward dominance in your life, with freshness and… joy.)

SAT., JULY 3, 1999, 5:23 AM

You were awakened early (by Me?), for it was evident, last evening, that you should have a Teaching to start what could be a busy day. The theme is akin to the perspective I urged on your during the last portion of your career, as a health education professional: health is a positive concept, not just the absence of some variety of problems. Or… as you have said… life is not problems to solve but relationships to understand… and “work with.”

The culture of which you are a part… and that . . .

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