Life Is Not “Problems To Solve…”

MON., MAR. 16, 1992, 6:20 AM

Yes, o son, let this be your theme for the brief presentation to Jim’s Rotarians. The content can flow from your areas of teaching. Add a song or two, and you shall rather easily satisfy that commitment. This morning, looking into a bright sun, hear Me as I offer you thoughts you may use.

This partial statement is, of course, ecological perspective, an early advance in your thinking. Problem solving is a simplistic way of looking at life. Oh, there are some true problems that can be solved, almost in the way of theoretical science. Yet these occur as part of ongoing relationships, and understanding and working with the relationships is the essence of earth life.

Your general professional focus is health, both individual and community. As you affirm, health is more of a concept than a fact… or a set of facts. Health is the quality of your functioning as a whole person… body, mind, and spirit… as well as socially and in a physical environment. Unfortunately, it is not possible for you… or any human or group of humans… to fully understand all of the interrelationships and how various factors affect one another. Still, this is not an excuse for giving up the reality of relationships as the essence of life.

Scientists work diligently with test tubes, computers, and other sophisticated equipment, “sacrificing” rats to learn more about the effects of some substance on human health. Then you could affirm that humor and a spirit of fun are factors in health. Can this be proven in the laboratory? How important is it in contrast with the effects of some substance ingested or not ingested? For one person the sense of humor may be rather superficial, while for another it may be deep and fundamental, with much more effect on health.

A major reason for health problems and for environmental degradation on this beautiful, health-inducing planet is overpopulation… too many people. But this is not a simple problem to solve, for people value children, for a variety of reasons. Sexual relations produce children, and sexual urges can be compelling. The place of women in a culture is a factor, as is alternatives to social security in old age. And then there is the death factor… the desire to prolong life and postpone death. Then I, as Almighty God, become a factor for the interpretation that I want more and more life… and that there should be no killing… means opposition to abortion and hence even to birth control and contraception. Ah, the web of life…

One of the recognized problems of your culture is drug abuse. So many drugs are illegal, wholly or partially. Hence possession and use is a crime, and law enforcement becomes a factor. Drugs are part of the economy, in recognized and unacknowledged ways. But why do some people use illicit drugs… or legal drugs excessively? Low self-esteem is a factor, and that may be enhanced by not having appropriate work to do, with appropriate income therefrom.

You can expand on any of these areas, as they relate to the content of your courses. But in some way I also want you to affirm that life can be its healthiest only when the spiritual dimension is recognized and nurtured. Naturally I recommend a close relationship with Me, with worship, study of My Scriptures and My Teachings, and fellowship with a group of like spirited folk in a church. I also recommend seeing spirit as part of healthy functioning and of the healing processes. Make contact with the spirit that is in nature… and in many groups of people. Enjoy your relationship with people, with the natural world and its various creatures, and with Me. When relationships are strong and important problems develop much less often or are simply not recognized (and one shades into the other).

MON., MAR. 16, 1992, 6:20 AM

Yes, o son, let this be your theme for the brief presentation to Jim’s Rotarians. The content can flow from your areas of teaching. Add a song or two, and you shall rather easily satisfy that commitment. This morning, looking into a bright sun, hear Me as I offer you thoughts you may use.

This partial statement is, of course, ecological perspective, an early advance in your thinking. Problem solving is a simplistic way of looking at life. Oh, there are some true problems that can be solved, almost in . . .

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