Life Is Precious?

MON., DEC. 30, 1996, 8:39 PM

The field you are in in this life on earth is health education, and one “understood” premise in your culture is that health is living as long as possible, whatever the conditions. Your dominant humanistic perspective concludes that life is precious and should be maintained, almost no matter what. Of course, underlying this partially true premise is the belief that this one earth life, now being experienced, is all there is, that human life is the highest form, and that length of life is a major criterion for health.

It is somewhat difficult for you to counter this, as a health educator, even as you do so, in an indirect way, in the Death Education course. You know, and well, what My message to you is, on this theme, but I’ll offer it again as a reinforcement. Life is precious, in that it is an opportunity to accept Me as the final Spirit in all of creation, to serve Me as I indicate, and to live a life of purpose, sometimes incarnated here in the earth.

Yet any earth portion of it is just a portion, and it may or may not be important in the whole span of a life. As Jesus I taught, by the way I lived near the end of My short life, that the length of a life is of little import, as compared to serving Me and fellow humans. Giving up an earth life may be just as “fulfilling” as prolonging it, for selfish reasons.

There is variety in the spirit realms which are alternatives to bodily earth life. “In My Father’s house are many mansions…” This is usually interpreted as referring to the destination of spirit after its creation and single life in an earth body. This can be true, but also there’s the truth that a spirit may come from one or more of these “mansions” in order to enter a new human body. At one extreme, some souls are consistent and develop, or regress, in a single “mansion”. At the other are souls who seek great variety in “mansions”, and include the earth “often”, in some variety of cultures and circumstances.

Most of you are not at the “one way” extreme nor at the “try everything once” pole. I sometimes am tempted to tell you of where you “fit”… even some of the experiences you’ve had. But you are not yet far enough along to use this information wisely… and we agreed on this before you were born.

This week is part of your “good life”, and it is quite precious. Still you are close to the point of seeing the rest of this earth life as a blessing and a gift… and not one to be prolonged if its length is threatened. Oh, you want to finish your teaching career as planned, and you would like some years of quiet, spirit-enriching retirement, but you are close to the time of not maintaining your physical self by heroic measures. As I say, you are not quite there yet, so there may be reason for medical assistance, if it is necessary. But remember… the medical model assumes you must live longer, almost no matter what. So be thoughtful… and spiritual… in assessing and evaluating any medical judgments and prescriptions.

I want you to feel that eternal, everlasting life is precious, but its length is inconsequential. Your Mother’s continuing life is now of much greater quality than what she experienced over the last several years. Your Dad waits patiently for his time to come across, and he shall be happier over here also. It is rare that people of this age actually gain much by added years, and rather few of their “care-givers” are truly benefited by the experiences of these advanced years.

MON., DEC. 30, 1996, 8:39 PM

The field you are in in this life on earth is health education, and one “understood” premise in your culture is that health is living as long as possible, whatever the conditions. Your dominant humanistic perspective concludes that life is precious and should be maintained, almost no matter what. Of course, underlying this partially true premise is the belief that this one earth life, now being experienced, is all there is, that human life is the highest form, and that length of life is a major criterion for health.

It . . .

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