Life Is Vanity?

SAT., SEPT. 12, 1992, 6:19 AM

Hear this, o son, as a kind of continuation of the Teaching of yesterday. From time to time (an earth “commodity”) you need to consider the essence of life, both as you are living it and as I tell you of My perspective. You are up early, with nothing to do for some time, so… hear Me.

The Preacher in Ecclesiastes declared that life was vanity, implying an inappropriate self-centeredness. It seems so clear to you, and even more so to others in your culture, that you are an individual with both opportunities and responsibilities. Some of the happenings in your life are purposeful and determined; others are chance, but allowed by Me. Never doubt that I am unaware… or that I do not have the power to prevent or rescue rather than allow.

My first reemphasis is that the ultimate purpose of life is spiritual growth and development. Cancer is a physical malady that is a fact, but it also is a unique opportunity for spirit to expand, in quality and in influence. A bout with poison ivy is uncomfortable and bothersome, but the real “value” is in how your spirit reacts. When you enjoy radiant physical health, again, the question is, “Are you thankful for this and do you utilize it for spiritual advancement.” Be thankful to Me for all that you have, for there always is growth in honest prayers of thanks.

The implication of this emphasis is that all of these happenings have no ultimate reality, and your spirit has no necessary relationship with your earthly status and conditions. You are an individual, and yet you are much more. So focusing too much on what is happening to and with you is vanity, a chasing after wind.

Now I don’t expect you to want or be able to “implement” this truth consistently. There are reasons, some good, for your being this earthly person that you are, and “doing it” well. Yet I want you to have an underlying realization that you could be just dancing joyfully through “life”. Yes, note that the realization that I urge on you is not an emotionless, drab, “it doesn’t make any difference” approach to life. Rather, it is a joyful acknowledgement of your enduring relationship with Me, that any situation has potential for growth, and that you are meant to enjoy life.

Try to imagine how you would react to having your home destroyed, as many did in the recent hurricane… and a few are experiencing now in Hawaii. It could be tornado… or earthquake… or fire. Whatever the cause, you would stand and survey the rather complete destruction. Could your spirit dance at that time, with the “burden” of comfort and possessions gone? Or would you lament this tangible loss, thinking, even uttering, “Why me?” I’d expect you to have some of each feeling, at least some of the grossly spiritual. You would both lament and dance, with some appreciation of the opportunities ahead.

Should you be taking more seriously the need to “attack” racism, poverty, inequality, and discrimination? You are, in this present life, a white male who has developed beyond what your abilities would predict. You have a life that is both comfortable and purposeful. Is there anything you can do to help those who haven’t… or haven’t been able… to develop comparable abilities… or lesser ones? Should you be down with Lenore and the Mexicans today… or working at the IFC… or considering this inequality issue with a group of Church folk? Certainly you should be here with Me, but then what?

SAT., SEPT. 12, 1992, 6:19 AM

Hear this, o son, as a kind of continuation of the Teaching of yesterday. From time to time (an earth “commodity”) you need to consider the essence of life, both as you are living it and as I tell you of My perspective. You are up early, with nothing to do for some time, so… hear Me.

The Preacher in Ecclesiastes declared that life was vanity, implying an inappropriate self-centeredness. It seems so clear to you, and even more so to others in your culture, that you are an individual . . .

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