Life Still Should Be Fun!

THURS., JULY 11, 1996, 11:07 AM

Most of My recent Teachings have been serious and full of “assignments” and admonitions. Yes, o son, it is now time for one that expresses what I want you to see as My “major Self”. You know that I am fully aware of all of the pain, suffering, and unkindness that is in the earth… and is overreported. What I want you to feel… and perceive as My “major Self” is the fun of life. For while there is more of those negative aspects here than in other, spiritual realms, there also is more potential fun. Why? Because part of the essence of fun is its contrast with “non-fun”.

Thus, if you aspire to be a true “disciple” of Me (really? Can the Holy Spirit have disciples? As Jesus I could, so I guess I can, too!) I want you to focus, as much as possible, on the humor, fun, and light-heartedness of your life, and of life in general. This is not to deny other realities, but to keep the balance toward the positive.

The end-of-My-life story, as Jesus, is told, in all of the Gospels, as a serious, sad story… but I didn’t write it. If I had I would have put much more emphasis on the joy of being able to take your sins upon Myself… yes! Even yours, these many years later… The “deal” I made with Myself, as the Father God, was that I would rather immediately be back from the tomb, in My body that could be recognized (when I wanted it to be), assuring My disciples that life really does continue… that I can be with them when necessary. So even as I felt agonizing pain hanging on the cross, I was thinking, as your son Peter expressed, “This is going to be great!” Oh, I would have liked to have lived longer, as the incarnate Jesus, but My destiny was a shorter one. I knew this before I came in. I just had to help make it work out.

It was both sad and fun to “manipulate” the Pharisees at My “trial” so that they would demand My execution. You smile, even laugh, at some of the political maneuvering that goes on now in your culture… attempts to influence voters. Those who are good at it have fun in influencing public opinion. I was good at it, and I was successful… though most of you Christians wouldn’t agree with this interpretation.

So, in this perspective, consider your present situation. You are here with a sister and brother-in-law that you love, and with deteriorating parents who you also love but have difficulty accepting their current states. This part is hard, but you are here in a beautiful, familiar place, with no real responsibilities… even plenty of time and opportunity to hear from Me. It is warm and pleasant. The trade winds renew memories. Perhaps in some years you shall be in such conditions, but you feel that such won’t happen.

The main reason you should be having fun with all of this is that you know your life continues. The loss of your body, as it dies, will be no more “serious” than the numbness in your feet and the stiffness in your hip. You could mourn the dropping of the body, but because you have considerable spiritual maturity you will welcome the “new”, but familiar, realm, where you will be aware of so much more.

Will I offer you the chance to return (as I did, but without actual body) and “check in” with some who miss you? We’ll see. Maybe this will be important… maybe not.

You listen to the sounds of doves, and you see both Opu and Gigi, a contrast if there ever was one. Tomorrow you’ll talk with Mark, and see it as fun to hear his perceptions of life, where he is, as well as on the “home front”. You’ll enjoy Warren… Roger… Eloise.

THURS., JULY 11, 1996, 11:07 AM

Most of My recent Teachings have been serious and full of “assignments” and admonitions. Yes, o son, it is now time for one that expresses what I want you to see as My “major Self”. You know that I am fully aware of all of the pain, suffering, and unkindness that is in the earth… and is overreported. What I want you to feel… and perceive as My “major Self” is the fun of life. For while there is more of those negative aspects here than in other, spiritual . . .

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