Life=Death, Which=Life

May 8, 1998, Fri., 5:55 AM
Farm Study

Your Western, secular view of life and death is quite a narrow and imperfect one.  It sees earth life as very important, and therefore it must be sustained.  Your medical care system, with intricate surgeries and powerful medications, is high status, more so than public health systems, which develop and maintain healthy conditions in body and environment.

In this view death is an enemy, even the enemy.  It must be avoided for as long as possible, and even folks who are Christian pick up this perception and expect doctors to save them… from… anything and everything.  Your medical care system is “full up”, even as some of the poor get little of the expensive care.  (Your experience in the parking lot by the hospital was evidence of this full usage.)  It now is posed that your culture will not be able to afford all of this medical care as the “boomers”… (your children and their age mates) move into elderly status.  Ah Me, what a dilemma.

Ecologically, of course, there is no real dilemma.  In order for life to continue there must be death.  The weak make way for the strong.  The fit survive, while the unfit do not.  The old must make way for the young.  Finally, this is how the earth functions.  Humans can “tinker” with this “truth”, but it finally prevails.  OR human life survives in great numbers, with the quality of that life… those lives… continually dropping.

You Christians accept My birth, as Jesus, at Christmas as a festive celebration.  Then, a few months later (representing about 33 years of My life) you mourn My death on the cross, but then celebrate My rising from the grave.  Hence, each year you act out the title I gave you, above: I, God Almighty, am alive in human form.  Then, as a sacrifice for the souls of you humans I give up My life.  I am dead… and then I’m alive again.  I “go away”, the Scriptures say, but I am still present here in the earth.

You note… and you should… that an aspect of the Humanistic perspective is the willingness to sacrifice one life for another, or others.  There is much value on individual human lives, and, though there is no concept of an afterlife or personal reward for a life sacrificed, there is the memory of heroism that is valued way more than the cowardice of maintaining life, “no matter what”.  Though life is precious, to live with honor and die with honor is better than just more physical life.

The Life After Life perspective, based on testimonies of those who have come close to death… who have experienced the initial phases of dying and death… promises that there shall be reunion with relatives and friends who have died previously, maintaining spiritual contact with some who have “moved on”.  There also may be some panoramic remembrance of the life just lived, with evaluation, but little judgment.

In Christian perspective My sacrifice, as Jesus, guarantees you everlasting, eternal life, just as I have.  Reincarnation perspective simply poses that some of that life could be back here in the earth.  In Ecological perspective it can be said that “from dust you have come and to dust you shall return”… a longer “process” than just the conscious life lived.  In a parallel way, then, it can be said that “from Spirit you have come, with the potential for developing back to Spirit”.  Outside of the earth there is no time, but there is opportunity… for spiritual growth.

May 8, 1998, Fri., 5:55 AM
Farm Study

Your Western, secular view of life and death is quite a narrow and imperfect one.  It sees earth life as very important, and therefore it must be sustained.  Your medical care system, with intricate surgeries and powerful medications, is high status, more so than public health systems, which develop and maintain healthy conditions in body and environment.

In this view death is an enemy, even the enemy.  It must be avoided for as long as possible, and even folks who are Christian pick up this perception and expect doctors to save . . .

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