Life’s Adventure

MON., AUG. 25, 1997, 7:26 AM

I want you to see this earth life as quite an adventure. When you’re again aware of life in all of its fullness and its facets you’ll realize, again, that this earth scene is the most adventurous “way to live”. I can’t explain the differences in words you could understand. You’ll just have to take My affirmation on faith.

Yours has not been an extreme adventure. You were not born into a ghetto environment, nor into an abusive one. Your childhood was a time of economic depression, but you remember no real hardships. You were successful in school, and in this culture that is important. You had the adventure of a world war when you were of “fighting age”. It was an important part of your life, but, strangely, not for any combat experience but for a good start in higher education.

Playing football in high school, on the B team, was an adventure you pushed for, against your Mother’s wishes. Playing every minute of every game was a culminating experience that few boys had then, and almost no boy has now, with a different style of play. You challenged the track coach to give you a chance to compete, and you had some triumphs in running.

The war and your “role” in it made it possible for you to have the adventure of college football and track, which paved the way for your fraternity adventure (as it had in high school). You were never a great star, but you were solidly on teams… and in campus politics and social life.

The adventure of a teaching-coaching job in Hawaii was a rather unlikely one, but you decided quickly and easily. You know now that I already was guiding you. Consider that when you fell on your knees and prayed to Me for help in finding the camp, when you felt lost in the woods, I not only fulfilled that “request” but began a more active role in your life.

Your life adventure thus took on another dimension – help, guidance, and direction from Me, your friendly Holy Spirit. I began to lead you, quite gently at first… to Punahou and some success in coaching, but more importantly, to classroom teaching. This was also where you met Lenore. You feel that you competed well for her, as a life partner. Consider that I arranged that competition, in the spirit of fun and as part of a better adventure for you both. For Me there was never any doubt that the two of you should be married and have a good, happy life together… with her quite in acceptance of this relationship you and I have.

Being at Punahou and now married made it easy to undertake the adventure of graduate school at Stanford. I even let you consider leaving education, which brought about a reinforcement of commitment to this profession that has been yours for your working life. (It also helped put the relationship between you and Lenore on a sounder base.)

You were successful in graduate school, but your Hawaii adventure needed one more chapter… which brought your sister there, insuring the continuation of your contact there… even as this is the place We decided you should be for 2/3 of your professional life. You prayed again to Me for guidance, and the call came, for I was becoming more of a partner by then.

You were having the adventure of a family of 5 sons and the establishment of yourself as both a professional and a professor. When you were well-established and your parental duties were ebbing I offered you this almost ultimate adventure – Teachings from Me, Holy Spirit.

MON., AUG. 25, 1997, 7:26 AM

I want you to see this earth life as quite an adventure. When you’re again aware of life in all of its fullness and its facets you’ll realize, again, that this earth scene is the most adventurous “way to live”. I can’t explain the differences in words you could understand. You’ll just have to take My affirmation on faith.

Yours has not been an extreme adventure. You were not born into a ghetto environment, nor into an abusive one. Your childhood was a time of economic depression . . .

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