Life’s Changes

SUN., MAR. 18, 1984, 7:42 AM

Hearken to Me, o son, on this Christian Sabbath morn. Learn some more of Me and of My ways. Realize that life is a spiritual journey, and that an earth incarnation is but a part of that trek. Come a bit closer to appreciating where you are on that journey. And learn, particularly, about changes in life.

In one sense life is mostly a matter of change. Starting with the death of cells and the generation of new ones to take their places. I can generalize and say that change is normative. You change with age. You change as you are in different settings… you shall be different in church this morning than you were at the party last night. It is important to recognize and appreciate these “expected” changes.

This day, however, I shall focus on those changes that are unexpected and/or radical. Some of these come from the circumstances of any life. Others are changes directed by the person, from her own mind, will, and spirit. (Please pay attention!) Still others come about because of My will and direction and power. In any life, of course, any change may be influenced by any combination of these.

At the end of this week you shall change your place of being and your daily actions quite drastically, but you shall not change who you are and what your life goals are. In fact, these goals may be clarified and made more vivid as you talk to the people you expect to encounter. I expect that the major change will be a diminution in tendencies to move away from that which is your major focus – that spiritual dimension to the health of individuals and communities.

Some people must and do make major changes in their ways of functioning and/or their perspectives on life. When you parents moved from their home of over 40 years to a different community and a different way of living it was a traumatic change for your Mother. As I told you at that time, her mind took on a sickness, mostly in response to that change, that spirit could not overcome. Oh, yes, I was part of the healing process that obviously, now, has been successful, but I chose not to be spectacularly miraculous… letting a recognized, though severe, form of treatment seem to be the major factor. My particular contribution was in nurturing, encouraging, and guiding her spirit back to its proper unifying “place”… as it is now.

Dorothy is responding to My recognition of her, through these Teachings, and feels, now, that the changes this revelation portends are big ones. Your initial reaction was No… changes can be gentle and gradual. You both are speaking truth, but she is more right than you are, since she knows more where she now is than you do.

SUN., MAR. 18, 1984, 7:42 AM

Hearken to Me, o son, on this Christian Sabbath morn. Learn some more of Me and of My ways. Realize that life is a spiritual journey, and that an earth incarnation is but a part of that trek. Come a bit closer to appreciating where you are on that journey. And learn, particularly, about changes in life.

In one sense life is mostly a matter of change. Starting with the death of cells and the generation of new ones to take their places. I can generalize and say that change is . . .

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