Life’s Goals

JULY 25, 1984, 5:55 AM

You are slow, slow in clearing your mind and opening yourself to My communication this morning, o son. You are fully aware of your failures to keep this commitment, so I won’t dwell on that. Just know that you are always welcome… and to assuage that bit of doubt… yes, it is I, the Holy Spirit, who guide you this day.

You know the chief goal of life quite well, so there is no reason to seem surprised with the revelation… the chief goal is to grow in spirit. Toward what? Essentially, toward Me, but the process involves a true movement away from self toward others… and hence on to Me. It is of no consequence “how long” this takes, and therefore the length of any life in the earth is of really no importance. The process, which can be called life, in which spirit can grow, is continuous, and the chief goal remains the same no matter what form or in what realm the spirit is manifested.

Your profession, health education, has, as a goal, the prolongation of life (along with the more important one of living a high quality life for its total length). This is a worthy goal as long as it remains secondary to the chief goal. The value of an extended earth life is in the opportunities for spiritual growth that such provides. Yet opportunities for growth are also opportunities for regression. Your culture is a good one for spiritual growth, BECAUSE it also is one that encourages focus on self and on material possessions.

You now have more income than you have ever had. Your culture pushes you toward the use of this for your own pleasures, for status, because “you deserve such things.” At the same time you receive an ample number of requests for some of your means, for causes that are important. It is vital that you be a responsible steward in deciding what you should give to and how much, yet remember that ultimately the important matter is that you give beyond yourself… in faith… as you would to Me. The person who is overconcerned with how his money will be used, by another, is exhibiting a form of selfishness, even as it appears to be giving.

Another vital twin goal in life is to be as aware as possible of spiritual matters and manifestations and to appreciate these, and My Presence and actions in earth life. You have moved fairly well along this path, but you still are sporadic in actually achieving this goal.

Yet another goal, for life here in the earth, is to have a job or profession which is of service to others and which offers opportunities for your own growth AND to assist others in such growth. You, partly from your own choices and partly from My guidance, have such a position and yet you still are too reluctant to utilize it as you should. You have this position, and you have earned it (along with it being given to you… for you, there is always a balance) so use it to enhance the lives and spirits of those who are under your tutelage. Use content and subject matter as strictly a means and focus your teaching on having learners grow in spirit… for which there are many ways.

A small goal in life, but one still worth mentioning, is to live life fully and spiritually aware until the very end. It really matters not whether the dying process is quick, of moderate length, or long and drawn out. What matters is how you live after you realize that physical death is imminent. If you have pain, can you share it with others, and make it seem like a blessed lesson? Can you still be considerate of others? Can you help others to appreciate life more because you can accept death?

Life’s goals. These are not the only ones, but they are the important ones. And it is good to review them, now and again. Come more often.

7:01 AM