Life’s Many Realities

MON., OCT. 7, 1991, 6:26 PM

Yes, o son, life does have many realities, and I want you to be as appreciative as possible of these. You know well My theme that life is spirit, fundamentally. But even this is manifested in oh, so many ways. Hear Me as I review some of the realities of your present life.

You just have written a review of a book on Horrendous Death (and I’m glad you did). Horrendous death is one of the realities of earth life, but what you did not note and emphasize is that incredible numbers of horrendous deaths are prevented. Those that occur are merely the ones that “slip through the cracks.” Some I prevent, personally. Others are prevented by the actions of people., some who are heroic… others not. Absolute perfection is not a typical (or even a desirable) aspect of earth life. You did say, and I approve, that death is a necessary aspect of earth life, and each death cannot be ideal, given the variety of humans I have created.

Your time with Larry was evidence of another reality… that a dedicated Christian, and a relative of yours, can have life problems that seem insoluble. You were able to offer no really helpful advice, and that was a somewhat painful reality. There seems to be no way that the resolution of his overlapping problems will be a happy one. This is a test of his spiritual strength, even though I did not “design” this situation. It just is a reality that interactions such as this are always tests of spirit.

Another reality is that old friends are both a resource and a blessing. Even when some of their life values are different it is an earth life pleasure to renew friendships and recall common old-time experiences. Know always that should be a mutual sharing, with friends gaining from your presence, as well as you from theirs.

( 6:50 PM / 7:17 PM )

Another earth reality is that many bodies do not function perfectly. As I have defined it yours is a minor, even though irritating, disability. When you thought of yourself in relation to Comus buddy Bob and listened to his life story you felt fortunate and blessed. What would life have been if you had had such terrible loss of function early in your adult life? Could your spirit have been as vibrant as his… or Wilbur’s? You hope it would be, and you feel, that your spirit would carry you along… yet the reality is that some can overcome handicaps and some have less to little success. Just know what your task is now… appreciating the difficulty that some have with malfunctioning bodies and showing forth a shining spirit as you meet and pass people in everyday life.

It is also a reality that some have spiritual experiences about which they can talk, involving injuries, diseases, or body malfunctions… as Wilbur can. Conversely, some seem to do well, even equally well, without acknowledging spirit, especially Me. Yet you know that Bob’s spirit was functioning well, even as he offered you no words to confirm this. Some are slow to recognize active spirit, and a few pass on over and then realize how they have been so ignorant of or unwilling to talk about the power of spirit in countering physical problems.

Reality, for you, is a preference for your home Farm, even after the enjoyment of a trip away. Life has such a comfortable balance where you soon shall return. Still, you must travel again soon, leaving this ideal life-spot. As you make life choices in the months ahead be aware of this reality, of which I now speak.

MON., OCT. 7, 1991, 6:26 PM

Yes, o son, life does have many realities, and I want you to be as appreciative as possible of these. You know well My theme that life is spirit, fundamentally. But even this is manifested in oh, so many ways. Hear Me as I review some of the realities of your present life.

You just have written a review of a book on Horrendous Death (and I’m glad you did). Horrendous death is one of the realities of earth life, but what you did not note and . . .

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