Life’s Opportunities

SAT., NOV. 12, 1983, 6:50 AM

You are here on this morning of the day you depart, o son, ready to reconfirm that you and I are still in partnership. Putting this into the context of the title We have selected, one of your great opportunities in this latter portion of this earthly life is this teaching/learning experience with Me. Always consider it an opportunity, not a duty or a persistent task. It should just be a part of your regular life pattern. I’m sure I shall not have to push too hard… but occasionally.

Life itself is an opportunity. Every seed that you plant in the ground has an opportunity to grow, yet only some produce a mature, bearing, contributing plant. Each pod that falls from each maple tree has an opportunity to grow and develop, yet for some the opportunity is rich and promising (and you notice the many young trees around the farmhouse), while for others (fortunately) the opportunities are slim to virtually non-existent.

So it is with souls. Not all have the opportunity to incarnate in the earth (though there are more here now than at any other time). With those who do the opportunities for spiritual growth are diverse, but everpresent. I shall say again what I have said many times before… there is no direct relationship between one’s material well-being and actual spiritual growth, save in those situations where there is persistent pain or hunger. In fact, as you know, the affluent, material-rich life is, on the one hand, a more difficult opportunity because there is so much that seems to counter the concentration on spirit, and, on the other, a special opportunity because of this constant contrary challenge. And here you are in its midst.

“Life” can be restricted (as a term) to this most holistic form, the human, or it may be used in relation to continuing consciousness and capacity to grow in spirit toward oneness with Me, I can use it either way or both ways. But in each interpretation life is still replete with opportunities.

You are one of those who has many obvious opportunities and who realizes many of these that are missed or incompletely met. I say again (and again) do not fret yourself over opportunities missed, but simply jump in to the next one that is offered. This is My continuing recommendation.

You see that you are losing certain opportunities with students that come with a younger age (in you, the teacher) and wane as the gap increases. Yet the loss of one opportunity is usually the beginning of another. Be aware and appreciate the developing opportunities that come because you are one of the grey-haired senior faculty. Let the young be young and have their opportunities. Be less competitive and more helpful.

Your ultimate knowledge is that every conceivable experience is an opportunity for growth, though the variation is obviously great. “For everything there is a season” can translate to… war is an opportunity just as is peace… building up and breaking down are both opportunities. There is never a shortage of opportunities.

Remember that one of your continuing ones is writing. You realize the obvious opportunities that you have not fulfilled, and I will continue to nudge you toward these. This is a small but special contribution you can make to those in the small world you inhabit. One of the reasons for this form of meditation is the continued improvement of your writing capacity. I want this from you, o son.

SAT., NOV. 12, 1983, 6:50 AM

You are here on this morning of the day you depart, o son, ready to reconfirm that you and I are still in partnership. Putting this into the context of the title We have selected, one of your great opportunities in this latter portion of this earthly life is this teaching/learning experience with Me. Always consider it an opportunity, not a duty or a persistent task. It should just be a part of your regular life pattern. I’m sure I shall not have to push too hard . . .

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