Life’s Tapestry

NOV. 20, 1979, 5:58 AM

O son, I hear your call, and the Spirit shall flow in this morning hour. You come after a “time”, but it is not the “time” that is important… it is the living that has occurred… the awareness and the appreciation. It would be fair to expect Me to castigate and shame you for imperfections and for lack of commitment to the task for which I have designated you. I have done that before, and I shall do it again. But it is not the “best thing” that I do. Welcoming and guiding, with love and patience, is My “best thing”. And it also can – and should – be yours.

The incident on Sunday was so beautiful… and you knew, too, that it was. In the midst of being an academician, and teacher, and, crucially, JUDGE you observed a young man crumbling, and you went out to bring him back. He needed that. And so did you. I knew it would bring you back to this occasion of teaching/learning… and you knew it too. It was an exquisite weaving in the tapestry of Our life together.

You saw a relationship, just beginning, dying in anger. You reached out and saved it. How about… We reached out and saved it? Better. It is such events that make of life more than just days of breathing, digesting, thinking, and remembering. Your total eternal life is a tapestry, but this life on earth is the portion upon which you work now.

We weave and We create together (yes, remember that as We join you come up to Me, not I down to you… even though I may be the Initiator.) You are developing the positive perspective in fine fashion. This development itself is a rhythm. From it shall come, in its due time, the specified concept of rhythm. You know, as I know, that you cannot teach it until you KNOW it and FEEL it. Just be aware of how it is growing and burgeoning. Feel the growth. Appreciate that you are moving in My direction.

“Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee.” The psalmist said it, and I have brought it freshly to your mind this day. I am the Word, and I am in your heart, and therefore you may not sin against Me… really. Oh, you can do and say in less than perfect ways, but you SHALL NOT depart from Me. Nor I from you. The bond has been cast. I purpose for you, and you, because of your eternal maturity as My servant, will not turn away. It is beyond choice. It is destiny. Relationships of destiny are My highest order… My greatest pleasure.

You are appreciating the presence of those I send to you who also know My Way… who have also hid My Word within their hearts. Continue to find ways to help free the expression of these commitments. This is one of your special tasks and privileges. Increase the freedom they feel to tell the wondrous story. And yet, be as I am, in allowing those who do not yet feel the Truth to be loved and accepted in the midst.

Justice and mercy – My most intriguing yin and yang. Neither complete without the other. A rhythm that comes partly from direction and partly from response. I show more mercy to you, and you are to be unbalanced toward mercy. But know ye that this is not a standard for all. You are part of My whole tapestry, an unimaginable blending of being and becoming, of vivids and shades, of shapes and intensities galore. You are a part, vital and insignificant at the same time. Each part is a separate tapestry, both ongoing and present. Your tapestry develops, through your conscious effort, in spite of same, and without it. Lo, I am with you always. Lo, your tapestry builds endlessly. More attention does not make it better, necessarily. Nor does benign neglect. Feel the rhythm. Be aware of life as fully as you are able. Appreciate all of its complexities and simplicities. Know more surely what I purpose for you.

You would write on, but this is sufficient. Share it with My servant, Dave. Return again and drink of the fount eternal. I am the ultimate Well-Spring.

6:57 AM