
FRI., NOV. 9, 1984, 8:40 AM
35,000 FT., WEST TO SO. CAL.

Below the landscape is bleak as you fly along on another adventure. It is part of your lifestyle to make these convention trips with regularity, and this probably shall continue for the near future. I urge you again to get back into the presenting mode. You need not be compulsive about it, but be a bit more aggressive in seeking a chance to be heard. Now hear, o son, some observations of Mine in relation to lifestyle… in general and in relation to you, personally.

Keep your hand in Mine. This is one way of stating the most important aspect of lifestyle. I guide, I direct, I correct, I urge, and I just am willing to be with you in whatever you are doing. When you are functioning in truly commendable ways I am with you, encouraging and abetting. When your activity is out of line with the maturity of your spirit I am giving you a boost toward the more commendable… though not encouraging guilt and excessive musing about shortcomings. You see, I’m more interested in your developing as a spirit-filled creature than in condemning your fruitless endeavors.

In like fashion, I urge you to a lifestyle that is essentially positive… essentially affirming the potentials and the joys of earth life. Continue to be as aware as possible of your negative tendencies, countering these as you appreciate them and preventing future trodding of the negative path.

Proper lifestyle has a rhythm to it, with some unique qualities and some similarities to the rhythms of others. Continue to maintain the balance between quiet, solo intellectual work and that which brings active interaction with others. I want you to be one of the scholars in your field, and this requires diligent study and time for spirited writing. Also maintain the balance between your active and contemplative professional life and your more physical Farm life. Set physical tasks for yourself and accomplish these. Begin your raised bed gardening this next year, the beginnings of which can be in this pre-winter time.

You and Lenore must do more things together. This doesn’t mean major changes in lifestyle, but being more aware of what you have done that is pleasurable and uniting and consciously making such recur. You have a good relationship but it could be enlivened… with new activities and ones repeated. Being truly married is an important part of your lifestyle.

It is an unnecessary but probably inevitable facet of lifestyle that you be concerned about your finances. You do know that I shall see that you have what you need… and that I urge you to shun any lavishness in your personal living. Do not begrudge money loaned or given to your children, for they all are serving Me in small but increasing ways, and as it has been given to you, so should you share with them. You cannot contribute to all of the needs and causes that assail you, but be wary of becoming callous or prejudging when these appeals come. Listen for My urging, and give when you feel it, worrying not about what is not given. Balance your frugality, your responsibilities for debts, and your generosity. In this realm also be more communicative with Lenore.

Do not seek more activities, for such would bring more frustration than satisfaction.

9:31 AM / 9:40 AM

FRI., NOV. 9, 1984, 8:40 AM
35,000 FT., WEST TO SO. CAL.

Below the landscape is bleak as you fly along on another adventure. It is part of your lifestyle to make these convention trips with regularity, and this probably shall continue for the near future. I urge you again to get back into the presenting mode. You need not be compulsive about it, but be a bit more aggressive in seeking a chance to be heard. Now hear, o son, some observations of Mine in relation to lifestyle… in general and in relation to you, personally.

Keep . . .

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