Light And Darkness

WED., MAR. 19, 1986, 6:52 AM

I am here this morning, both as an eternal Spirit and as an integral part of the spirit that is your being. And We shall let you hear of and ponder another of these dichotomies – light and darkness. The Bible says mostly that I am external – but you know that I am also internal. Everyone knows that I am identified with light. Am I also part of darkness, or is this the realm of Satan?

Mostly, the Bible champions an either/or pattern of thinking, which has some merit, but, as I have told you before, I can never be limited by any particular way of thinking. I simply am in all. I function in every way imaginable in this earth. Finally, there is no “Me and Them.” I have not given up sovereignty to any other force. I manifest differently, and some amount of tension and rivalry is good for the growth of spirit. So, within this truth let’s talk about light and darkness.

7:18 AM / 9:57 AM

Darkness may be perceived as the absence of light, and therefore if I am light, then darkness must be the absence of Me. And if I am absent is the result a nothingness, or is it an opposing, evil force? This is rather orthodox Christian theology – this struggle between good and evil, between Us and Satan, symbolized by light and darkness. This has value in bringing some souls closer to Me, and in keeping them here. Its obvious weakness is that it limits my power and influence, implying strongly that something I created has become as powerful and influential as I. Let Me share with you the open secret that this is just not true.

The thinking I call on you to prefer posits that I am as much a part of darkness as of light, that each is a different part of My nature. In light I am manifested in a bright, active form. In darkness I am in a quiet, restful form. Each is a balance to the other. I am not less in darkness… just merely in a quieter form. I am the God, the Spirit of darkness as well as of light.

I am present in active expression of love for Me. I am in evangelists who shout, gesticulate, and loudly call upon My name to bless, to heal… even to curse and cast out. I am present in times of utter silence, when there are even no thoughts, just the peacefulness of silence, in the light or in the dark. Obviously, however, what I am comparing are the two ends of a long continuum, and most behavior in relation to Me is somewhere between… tending toward activity and loudness or more toward the less active and quiet.

And thus it is, also, with light and darkness. The human can stand only so much light… there is more than you can bear. The sun, which is the ultimate physical energy source for your system, is the most brilliant light, and if you should look directly at the sun at noon for any length of time you would then experience only darkness. The light is too bright. Experiencing it is, finally, damaging. Conversely, it is almost impossible to experience total darkness in the natural world. So virtually all that you experience is some combination of light and darkness. For reading and for sleep less light is preferred.

Ask Dorothy, who has not experienced light that she can clearly remember, about her perceptions of light and darkness. Since they do not actually exist for her, is there some continuum that serves in their place? Or is this just not necessary for the fullness of life?

WED., MAR. 19, 1986, 6:52 AM

I am here this morning, both as an eternal Spirit and as an integral part of the spirit that is your being. And We shall let you hear of and ponder another of these dichotomies – light and darkness. The Bible says mostly that I am external – but you know that I am also internal. Everyone knows that I am identified with light. Am I also part of darkness, or is this the realm of Satan?

Mostly, the Bible champions an either/or pattern of thinking, which has some merit, but, as . . .

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