… Like As A Father…

WED., JUNE 5, 1996, 9:39 AM

Later this morning you shall take part in an enactment of one of My stories, as Jesus, commonly called the Prodigal Son. You shall be the father who gives your young son his share of the inheritance and wishes him well, reluctantly, as he leaves for “a more exciting life”. Later he returns home, broke and penitent, and you must decide how to be the father… forgiving and welcoming or judgmental and punitive. The story has you… and Me… seeing him as back from the dead (9:45 / 10:57), deserving of a special celebration. Obviously he didn’t earn this by his conduct. It was an example of unmerited, unconditional love.

As Jesus I am Love… except in relation to the Pharisees who cannot accept Me as the Christ, their awaited Messiah. I realized why they were against Me, even that this was “arranged” by My Father… and yours. The best way for this Son, Jesus, to give His life for the sins of the world… as a means of grace and forgiveness… was for these leading Pharisees to have their hearts hardened against Me and insist on My crucifixion.

Do I intercede in all life situations to achieve what I want, when I want it? First, I’ll say I could, and this would brand Me as, at least, a more consistent Father. But no, as I have told you often I mostly let earth life go on as it will, BUT at any time and in any situation I can change what would have happened, in order to achieve some desired priority of Mine. You freely admit that I come to you, as Holy Spirit, and, in reality, you had no choice about whether or not you would hear Me and write like this… for, now, over 17 years. I became like the demanding Father, and you responded as I wanted.

You have not been much of a demanding father, as your father wasn’t. It’s hard for you to imagine having been such a parent, and yet you accept that, as a Model, I have been, and still am, this way in certain situations. You are relatively comfortable with yourself, and how you have been, but it still is somewhat troubling to feel that, in some ways, you were not as I modeled.

You played the father who welcomed back the son who had wasted his inheritance, reflecting Me as the loving, forgiving Father. Yet before you did your theatrical bit you read the short “book”, the prophet Nahum. In this I am the angry, vengeful Father, the One who administers justice, taking lives almost gleefully. Many shall die, the city shall be sacked, and there seems to be no forgiveness. Mercy is in short supply, certainly.

It’s probably easier to perceive Me as having different, even opposing and contradictory “roles”, rather than seeing this as a sort of dysfunctional schizophrenia. I am God, and therefore whatever I do and say is Good. I don’t have to meet your standards. You have to meet Mine. I have a view of life that is incredibly wider and deeper than any of you can conjure up. I direct. Mostly I adapt.

It was difficult for you to accept your son Peter’s death, but there was very little “Why God?” “Why have you allowed or caused this?” Death is a natural part of this Earth scene of Mine, and I want this as a major focus of this next Ruminations. This is no more to be lamented than people going in and out of a busy building. It seems obvious that if people only went in (and no one came out) soon the functioning within would be adversely affected and finally would stop. (You saw that ridiculous figure… if the present world birth rate continued, by the middle of the 22nd century there would be 694 billion people here, in contrast to the 5.8 billion now crowding this planet.)

WED., JUNE 5, 1996, 9:39 AM

Later this morning you shall take part in an enactment of one of My stories, as Jesus, commonly called the Prodigal Son. You shall be the father who gives your young son his share of the inheritance and wishes him well, reluctantly, as he leaves for “a more exciting life”. Later he returns home, broke and penitent, and you must decide how to be the father… forgiving and welcoming or judgmental and punitive. The story has you… and Me… seeing him as back from the dead (9:45 / 10 . . .

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