Listen!… And I Will Help

FRI., JULY 24, 1992, 6:29 AM

You have an opportunity this Sunday that also is a responsibility. For the last two Sundays you have “told the story” for the children, and you have one more to do. For the others you had (with My help) rather immediate ideas as to what you should do. Now you have but two days, and no plan is clearly evident. So heed My title above… listen, o son, for help is nigh.

You have two ways to go. One is to pursue the parable of the sower and the seeds. You have seeds… something they could see and feel. You could prepare some plates of soil, and tell the story vividly. But it would have to have an explanation. My message of love can fall on the ears of bitter, angry people, and it does not take root. Even some of My good Christians are so dedicated to protecting Me and My Body, the Church, from challenges to “its way” that the message of love for those different than they cannot be heard. Others hear about love, but they are distracted by the cares and concerns of the moment. They’ll hear it… as soon as… or when I’ve finished with…

But some do hear of My love… for you, personally, for those in your church and school, for those who seem and act differently from you, for those who seem to be enemies, and for all of this earth that I have created, with all of the many forms of life. For those who do hear this message of love it is overpowering. It touches their spirits, and the spirits respond. It truly makes all other messages secondary and unimportant. Wars, unemployment, bitter elections… all of this news just doesn’t counter the power of… I, Almighty God, have created this beautiful earth and I have created many forms of life, and I have allowed many ways of being human, and I still love all that I have done, and I want you to love it, also.

The other approach is a story about worship. Worship begins with music and ends with music. First the congregation listens and then you sing, as an expression of your desire to worship and to join in actively. You then confess your sinful nature (for you do have this, along with your God-given loving nature), and then you accept My forgiveness, for I do offer this quite freely. This is a vital aspect of worship. I don’t want you trying to worship when you’re feeling guilty about some action or some thought. I want you to be a full participant in worship washed clean of your mistakes and shortcomings. Offer them to Me. I take them upon Myself, leaving you free to hear Me and give yourself to Me in this service.

Scripture is read, and I continue to approve of your reading it before the service and then along with he or she who reads it aloud in the service. The sermon follows, which always should be some comment on these Scriptural passages. Scripture must apply in some ways to your life now. It is not just musings of several thousand year’s duration. It is I, speaking to you, with application to your life. This is what the sermon should do.

FRI., JULY 24, 1992, 6:29 AM

You have an opportunity this Sunday that also is a responsibility. For the last two Sundays you have “told the story” for the children, and you have one more to do. For the others you had (with My help) rather immediate ideas as to what you should do. Now you have but two days, and no plan is clearly evident. So heed My title above… listen, o son, for help is nigh.

You have two ways to go. One is to pursue the parable of the sower and the seeds. You . . .

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