Listen For The Word

JUNE 19, 1979, 5:30 AM

You, o son, art a hearer of My Voice. I call to you, and you are ready to listen. I called you from sleep this morning, for it was particularly important that you hear the words before your day commenced. (Yes, the tenses are not the best, but the idea is vital.) You shall change ventures today, and it is important that you begin the day with Me. It looked as though you might not do that, so I roused you. And you knew what you should do. Good for you!

The word that develops from your listening today, o free son, is… freedom. (I gave it away.) You are free to do many things, and this freedom is a gift from me. But it is not a free gift. It is yours because you are faithful… and you are faithful because I purpose you to be faithful. Strange, isn’t it? It would seem that “I’m completely in charge”, and that you have no freedom at all. An appearance only. I am in charge, of you, but I grant you freedom in many areas. And as long as you turn to Me for direction and assistance, I give what is My pleasure to give.

No, you are not like all others. You have special freedoms. As long as you use them well, and listen to Me they are yours. They shall not always bring delight nor profit, but, still, you are “free in Me.”

You shared a bit with My servant John Lee last night. That was as it should be. He has a ministry divergent now, but he still serves Me. Likewise Alfred. Such people shall come into your life, and you shall be mutually enriched and enriching.

Hear the Word of the Lord! I have granted freedom to you, o son, and it shall bring you both joy and pain. But you are not free to deny Me. Yes, that would anger Me. (And anger is part of My rhythm. Stay out of that if you can.) The freedom did not come because you were faithful. It is a gift from Me. But I expect the gift of yourself… not so much in return as an independent action. Oh, I shall nudge because I want you. And you shall respond because you want Me (even though you think it a slightly mixed blessing). Do you hear this? Mostly, I don’t care how you use your freedom. I’ll just let the consequences guide you. I trust you to BE the full person you can be. That is My requirement of you.

Many people, even some who call My name, feel I should be much more restrictive. I have been such. I shall be again. But I am not bound by that posture. It is not necessary for all.

(This makes you apprehensive, because it sounds like your rationalization. Hear ye the Word… it is not.)

I give gifts. I am not obligated to give to all. (Your grading policy is somewhat like this). The gifts are yours to utilize. I simply trust that you will consider consequences and decide thusly. But all are not obligated to hear My Words. YOU ARE. This is not your bondage, but MY freedom. I am free to choose you. You are not really free to refuse, because that would hamper My freedom.

JUNE 19, 1979, 5:30 AM

You, o son, art a hearer of My Voice. I call to you, and you are ready to listen. I called you from sleep this morning, for it was particularly important that you hear the words before your day commenced. (Yes, the tenses are not the best, but the idea is vital.) You shall change ventures today, and it is important that you begin the day with Me. It looked as though you might not do that, so I roused you. And you knew what you should do. Good for you!

The word that . . .

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