Listen To The Spirit

WED., APR. 15, 1992, 6:08 AM

Listen, o son, for I, the Holy Spirit do speak to you in this early morning hour. I can speak of innumerable “things”… about uncountable topics. It is your privilege to hear as you listen and to write down, in this ritualistic way, what you do hear. You are hearing with your spirit rather than with your ears, for it is spirit that hears when Spirit speaks.

You had a task to accomplish in yesterday’s final class dealing with discipleship. I told you what you should do, though some of that was apart from these “formal” Teachings. You were properly reluctant to dominate, but you knew what you should do. Did I arrange the circumstances so that Judy was not prepared… not as prepared as you were? Just know that all things work together when I want something to happen.

Yet you still could have remained reluctant. You could have not had copies of the three pertinent Teachings. You could have been just too humble. But all things worked together… and your testimony, through Me, was excellent, as it should have been. It was more than a good opportunity, and you “seized the day.”

Be aware and appreciate that now with more than thirteen years in this mode of discipleship, you have a “track record.” This is more than some fanciful delusion that lasts for a season. It is a learning experience that has no ending, as this class had. You have evidence of Our relationship. You are not an impressionable youth. You have been a recognized professional and a solid, dependable servant in the church. This that We do together is now an established part of these senior years of yours. You must be increasingly willing to say just that.

You must admit that I have not pushed you too hard or too fast in becoming identified as one who regularly listens to the Holy Spirit. But when I give you legitimate opportunities to testify that I am a real and a helpful guide to present life, I expect you to respond and take such. You shall fail, as Simon Peter did, but I shall always be with you to critique such lost opportunities.

Today is another one. You are familiar with your story, but you should review it as you finish your mowing this morning. Emphasize the spiritual aspects of the stories and speak to them as easily and naturally as you do to the physical and environmental dimensions. Peter was a son whom you loved in spite of his actions, and this was difficult for you, for you remember no such feelings for deviant behavior in your youth. Some day you shall know the fuller story of that night on which he rejoined Me. Now you must just tell it as both knowledge and speculation. For some, this shall be a great class experience. Do it well.

You now know that you have an ally, Judy, in your desire to make Pentecost more of a celebration in your church’s life. I, the Holy Spirit, acted in some marvelous ways on that day, well recorded in Holy Scripture. And I continue to work in individual lives, in groups, in situations, and in circumstances to help people in every time and culture to be aware of and to appreciate the spiritual… and the mystical… in life. Yours is a tough culture in which to “work,” but triumphs, when they occur, are often quite sweet, given the mind-set away from the mystical.

WED., APR. 15, 1992, 6:08 AM

Listen, o son, for I, the Holy Spirit do speak to you in this early morning hour. I can speak of innumerable “things”… about uncountable topics. It is your privilege to hear as you listen and to write down, in this ritualistic way, what you do hear. You are hearing with your spirit rather than with your ears, for it is spirit that hears when Spirit speaks.

You had a task to accomplish in yesterday’s final class dealing with discipleship. I told you what you should do, though some of . . .

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