Listening But Not Hearing

SAT., JULY 3, 1982, 5:24 AM

You are ready, o son, but you have heard no theme or title, and you know the “liturgy”, so to speak, that says wait for the title. You move ahead without it, which is being unfaithful to the process, but faithful to Me and to your commitment… and full of faith that the title will be in place before the end. Let it flow out from the experience.

All right, you are listening but not hearing, which is not a common experience in this time of meditation. You are taking this commitment seriously, you woke up before the rather early alarm, and you know how to listen and discern. So you must conclude that this is part of the experience for today. You shall hear a teaching, yes, but you shall experience the theme as well.

You want to hear. You are ready to hear. Why do you not hear? Your file drawer, close behind you, holds books of evidence that you can hear… that sometimes it is so easy that three pages are filled in less than an hour. I am here. You are now writing what I am saying, and this was true from the beginning. So, this morning, you were listening for the traditional message, but I came to you differently, and you have been slow to adapt. (Yes, the slowness is relative; it is true that the majority of even Christian folk do not even listen, let alone hear Me.) But you are adapting now. You are aware that I am coming to you differently today. You must hear Me as I am, not as you wish or expect Me to be.

Do you now hear the more universal message… the application of this experience? With the Scriptures as a guide, a Christian listens for My Voice, wanting to hear. Now I do come in expected ways much of the time, and the Scriptures are the fundamental guide to communion with Me.

But, as I have told you before, I resist being “bound” by the Scriptures, Holy and useful as they are. Everything was not said “perfectly” in those Biblical times… except, of course, that I can define something as perfect, and I do this for the Scriptures. Only I may change, amend, or reinterpret these truths. And occasionally I do.

The basic theme is still love, but in what myriad ways is love manifested? Do I still love you when My actions are purposely frustrating? Is your love diminished when you feel that I am manipulating you unnecessarily? Is what I (am) doing with you today a loving thing? Is it not loving when I help you understand, through experiencing, “something different”?

Another basic Scriptural theme is service to Me, Almighty God. Yet running through the examples of this is the counter theme of wanting to serve, but falling away, losing touch, or deliberately serving some other Master. Hearing Me seems to be difficult. Serving Me seems to be an action that cannot be sustained.

SAT., JULY 3, 1982, 5:24 AM

You are ready, o son, but you have heard no theme or title, and you know the “liturgy”, so to speak, that says wait for the title. You move ahead without it, which is being unfaithful to the process, but faithful to Me and to your commitment… and full of faith that the title will be in place before the end. Let it flow out from the experience.

All right, you are listening but not hearing, which is not a common experience in this time of meditation. You are taking this . . .

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