Little Time For Contemplation?

FRI., JULY 31, 1998, 10:47 AM

It is now more than a year since you taught your last class, and tomorrow is the one year anniversary of your official retirement. You have known, and you have told others about, what this life shall be like as all of your regular responsibilities at the University are no more. Yet as the look back on this year you don’t see much in the way of contemplation. Has there not been time, or have you just been unwilling and unable to develop this “discipline”?

You tend to perceive contemplation as something that just “comes naturally” if you have time for it. “Discipline” seems to imply that it is organized and carried through, in some planned fashion. I tell you it is both/and… some of each. You can sit in your garden, in an “attitude” of contemplation, but your mind roams here and there, from memory to memory, from thought to thought. Contemplation requires some bridging of this almost “stream of consciousness” (although at our times such a “moving” experience can be quite worthwhile) and some “discipline” in holding to some more specific concept, idea, or incident.

For example, you could contemplate reincarnation, as you originally learned about it, and how it relates to eternal, everlasting life… and how Teachings from Me, Holy Spirit have helped unify these world/concepts. This would lead to how it “fits”, or doesn’t, with the theology of Presbyterian Christianity. You have never really considered leaving this “branch” of Christianity because it doesn’t match perfectly with your understandings about eternal life… because there is really no other choice. It just must remain as a rather personal conviction, not shared with others of your church friends.

This could lead to contemplation of how it (11:11 / 11:22) is to be an active Presbyterian with knowledge not shared with most others. (Of course you just had a break which could “damage” any train of thought other than Mine to you… one of the little drawbacks of the earth life you lead!) You like your church… and it does “fit you” in many ways… but… well, this needs some contemplation.

There are many concepts or “big ideas” that you could contemplate. It needn’t be too formal or constricted. Just gently keep your mind and spirit, these working together in contemplation, on the theme, resisting the urge (strong now) to wander or fly off on some ideational tangent. You know this will be difficult now, but I’ll help, so that you can master this “task” and profit from it in these golden years.

When you were last with Me in this Teaching mode your cows were gone, and your spirit was low. They returned, almost magically, the next day, and your spirits rose. You do need to contemplate the relationships with your two older sons. You know that father-son relations change with the years, and you are moving toward the “old” phase, where you shall be more like your Dad was with you, in the last years. Your sons shall become surer of their beliefs and perceptions of reality, and you shall become, increasingly, the “old man”, with thoughts less credible. (One advantage of not living beyond 3 score and 10, in this culture, is that you have fewer years in which respect for you is more and more difficult).

Thus, a contemplation of your life now and on into the future, in this life here on earth, with fewer and fewer people… including family members, former students, and church folk… who can truly respect and like you, for who you are now. (One advantage of having been young and vital “once” is that these times can be remembered, and “substituted” for the present… and future.)

FRI., JULY 31, 1998, 10:47 AM

It is now more than a year since you taught your last class, and tomorrow is the one year anniversary of your official retirement. You have known, and you have told others about, what this life shall be like as all of your regular responsibilities at the University are no more. Yet as the look back on this year you don’t see much in the way of contemplation. Has there not been time, or have you just been unwilling and unable to develop this “discipline”?

You tend to perceive contemplation . . .

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