Live Life Fully

MON., AUG. 15, 1988, 5:53 AM

It isn’t truly necessary that I come to you on this early warm summer morning with this message. It does not come because you are wasting your life or missing out on many opportunities and challenges. Instead it comes in the best tradition of positive health: hear that I basically approve of your way of living life and that I urge you to continue to live life fully.

Now what does this mean? First, it means that you should continue to make choices about what you should attempt, choosing mainly what you do well or what is comfortable. But when you do something of this nature, like teaching a class, do it with increased awareness of spirit as a factor in all that you do, even the familiar. And in the midst of the familiar and comfortable try something new, even something that may not succeed. This is healthy behavior, say I.

Every so often you should try something quite novel… again, something in which you are not guaranteed success. This is increasingly important as you grow older. It is harder and harder to be an innovator, to risk failure, to take up the challenge of the unfamiliar. Worry not about following through to completion. The attempt may be all that is necessary. Yet you also may pick up some task or project that was never completed and carry it along in some new way, or even complete it.

You know about balance. Keep the balance to the comfortable and the familiar, but spice this with other activities and attempts that are challenges. This shall be a good rhythm for you at this time.

As you look ahead you see that you are unlikely to get a start on your sabbatical project before your trip begins. This is unfortunate, but most of what you have been doing, instead, has been in the “living life fully” mode. Before you leave, be sure you have all of the books you shall need, and that you have written the expanded description of the two Wellsprings. You should take along one book, maybe two. But mainly you should give yourself to the relationships that this trip will provide. It shall be a time of supreme human/spiritual interaction, and I want you to be aware and appreciative of these opportunities. When you have such take advantage of them as fully as possible, and don’t concern yourself with what else you might be doing. Keep a journal during the trip as a means of keeping this human/spiritual interaction aspect of health quite related to what you are experiencing.

When you return you should be able to settle in to a mode of study. You haven’t done a study such as this, and you are now quite competent to do it. Yet it shall require a concentration that is not familiar to you. The time shall be sufficient, even after this time of travel, but you will have to use it carefully and with some discipline.

The essence of living life fully is to live it in service to Me and to your fellow humans. This means being faithful in this time of unique meditation with Me. You shall know what this means. It may mean taking an hour out from driving to hear a Teaching. It may mean days when this is not possible, followed by days when you can come regularly. I tell you simply – you cannot live life fully without this rather regular exposure to My wisdom.

As you know this also encompasses letter writing. This is a special service of yours, and you have let these opportunities slip. There are many letters you must write, unfortunately. All together they pose too large a burden. One per day is manageable. Kris, particularly, needs a reply from you. She is struggling toward recovery, which could come much faster if I were more included in the process. You can be a means of helping encourage her in spirit. Read her letter carefully and respond with love and spirit. Each letter is a unique opportunity. For you, to live life fully is to write often and much.

MON., AUG. 15, 1988, 5:53 AM

It isn’t truly necessary that I come to you on this early warm summer morning with this message. It does not come because you are wasting your life or missing out on many opportunities and challenges. Instead it comes in the best tradition of positive health: hear that I basically approve of your way of living life and that I urge you to continue to live life fully.

Now what does this mean? First, it means that you should continue to make choices about what you should attempt, choosing mainly . . .

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