Live Life Fully

THURS., NOV. 1, 1990, 6:19 AM

The “talk” you are to offer on Sunday has not yet been developed, so I shall offer you a few more thoughts that you might use. This is your presentation, so you decide what you shall actually say. Yet I suggest that you consider My thoughts, along with your own and others.

Death is the end of an earth life, but not the end for the spirit. You have heard it said that those who have near death experiences are asked by a Being of Light and Love, “What have you done with your life?” The answer should not be a long string of accomplishments, even as service to others is a key reason for manifestation as life. The better response is, “I have lived life fully and joyously.” Do whatever you do with vigor and with thanksgiving for the opportunity of doing it.

How do you live life fully when you’re sick, diseased, or in pain? It is more difficult, surely, but equally important. You acknowledge those who are helping you, as Nathan did. You maintain certain practices, like shaking hands, and you enjoy the effort. It often is wrong behavior for healing and recovery to “save your strength” and “rest.” As you turn in upon yourself rather than outward to others your strength and life force seems to ebb. As you expend energy for others… lo, more is available.

You see that there is a time for upholding causes and a time to see such causes as rather unimportant… a mellowing in life. And yet I urge you to feel the importance of some feelings over others. You need not be a zealot for the kind of teaching you do, but you must do it with zeal and conviction. You need not broadcast loudly and continuously that you receive these Teachings from the Holy Spirit, but you are to share them when opportunities arise, as you did yesterday. It is more important that you live life fully than just being in the earth more years. Many who are too careful in their later years face their missed opportunities with some chagrin as they pass on over and become marvelously aware of how they have lived.

Of course I know that living life fully in one way means that you “short change” other aspects. You have been giving time to reading your students’ papers, and this means you have given less time to Lenore. Time and effort toward one activity is time and effort not expended on others. That is the restriction of time and space and finite energy, by which I am not bound. It is the particular challenge of earth life.

You are doing well with your “list.” One important example of living life fully is to send notes of thanks to those you have visited. You have almost completed this. Do not quit until you have completed this.

You could live life more fully with more attention to prayer. You pray easily. Your public prayers are quite good, but you just don’t offer the prayers that you should for others. I know that you know Me to be in charge of this earth realm, and prayers are not meant to “change My mind,” but I do say that prayers are necessary for you to live life fully. As you pass on over you shall be more aware of why this is so.

THURS., NOV. 1, 1990, 6:19 AM

The “talk” you are to offer on Sunday has not yet been developed, so I shall offer you a few more thoughts that you might use. This is your presentation, so you decide what you shall actually say. Yet I suggest that you consider My thoughts, along with your own and others.

Death is the end of an earth life, but not the end for the spirit. You have heard it said that those who have near death experiences are asked by a Being of Light and Love, “What have you . . .

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