Living Free

SAT., SEPT. 19, 1987, 4:24 PM

You haven’t participated in anything that has celebrated the political freedom you enjoy in this land… the remembrance of the development of the Constitution, which has served you well. For some, it has been a time of appreciating the freedoms set forth in this document and the ways in which these have been maintained over the 200 years. You suspect that the title of this meditation is not about this type of freedom, however. You are right, o son. My freedom is of a different sort.

I shall say again, just for reinforcement, that true freedom can only come when your hand is in Mine and when you appreciate the spiritual reality of life. Politically and personally you feel no restrictions that are uncomfortable. Economically you envision a freedom slightly beyond what you have now, but you also agree that I provide for you quite adequately, and you don’t lack anything you truly need… even want.

Still, the real freedom of earth life comes in the real knowledge that this is just part of a longer spiritual path. Awhile ago you considered how you would feel with a diagnosis of cancer. Are you free to die? Aye, that’s an ultimate aspect of freedom. If anyone is tied too firmly to earth life she is not free, for this attachment can be a fetter just as a ball and chain or prison bars.

The free spirit that every Christian ought to be is one that can flourish and grow in any situations… in any realm. Some who died in stupid battles like the one portrayed in the film rose as free spirits from that miserable battlefield. Some who were safe and unwounded live lives that are far from free as they cannot reconcile that war experience with ultimate values. The truly free person can live or die, and it makes no true difference… and such folk do live as long as others, variously human life conscious and fettered.

I do not hold you to any specific commitment of time to hear Me through these Teachings. You are free to join Me or free to use your time in other ways. Or… see it that you are free to hear Me even when there is no compulsion. This discipline enhances you freedom, for I am the fount… the wellspring of freedom. Come be bound to Me and enjoy perfect freedom!

It is freedom to have such a messy study, the room you share most directly with Me. It would also be a manifestation of freedom to clean this room thoroughly and keep it neater. It would be better for your spirit, say I. Use some of your free time in such an effort.

Each dimension of well-being is a focus for one or more freedoms. I shall not develop a liturgy of these, for you can imagine and identify these for yourself. The spiritual, as the prime and ultimate dimension, is the most vital. A spirit that is not growing is not free, and growth comes best when you are in active relationship with Spirit. Spirit impels you to have concern for others rather than self, and this enhances freedom. The more you try to advance yourself at the expense of others, the less free you become. Spirit is what is behind purpose and meaning for life… this specific one and life in general. Spiritual purpose enhances freedom, while purpose stemming from the intellect, the emotions, the body, or social systems is much more apt to be a binding, restricting purpose.

SAT., SEPT. 19, 1987, 4:24 PM

You haven’t participated in anything that has celebrated the political freedom you enjoy in this land… the remembrance of the development of the Constitution, which has served you well. For some, it has been a time of appreciating the freedoms set forth in this document and the ways in which these have been maintained over the 200 years. You suspect that the title of this meditation is not about this type of freedom, however. You are right, o son. My freedom is of a different sort.

I shall say again . . .

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