Living Poor

TUES., AUG. 11, 1987, 6:36 AM

The condition implied by this title is not one you have ever experienced. It is a condition of many people on this earth today. If I have been involved in the creation and in the enspiriting of all of these souls, then I must somehow feel that a life of being poor is acceptable, even desirable. What about “living poor?”

The resources of this created planet are many. I have stocked it well, and set up processes that maintain and perpetuate life. One of these vital “processes” is reproduction, and this goes on continuously. But when it is excessive the resources are not sufficient, and an increasing number must spend their earth existence living poor.

I’m sure you realize fully that this condition is no necessary deterrent to experiencing a full and profitable time of spiritual growth. I realize, certainly, that the earth’s resources are not evenly distributed – in terms of location and in terms of individuals and nations. Some who have much just take this for granted… even feeling deprived because they do not have all that a few others have. This is acceptable naivete for those who are not very far along spiritually, but it is an attitude that ultimately will have to be balanced. Some who lead a selfish, affluent life are genuinely disappointed with themselves as they die and pass on over into more full spiritual realization. Yet that is often how growth takes place.

Your culture’s economic base is consumption, and this is a direct encourager of selfishness and feelings of need for things that are not truly necessary. I urge you to retain and nourish your feeling about new cars… and your satisfaction in driving those you have. This is important only as a symbol, but I do like symbols. The only justification for the disparate living conditions that result from your culture’s system is the opportunity for each of you to freely give to individuals and causes who are in need. You have many such requests, and I urge you to consider each one. Do not develop the callousness that lets you throw away a plea unopened. If you can honestly reject the plea, then do so. But consider each. Angels still “come unaware”, and in this modern world one may come through the mail… junk mail. (The mail may be “junk”, but the souls asking for help are not.)

Living poor is a spiritual challenge when this is not necessary. The challenge is to be able to give without feeling deprived OR feeling too righteous. It is to accomplish this without being ostentatious… and yet doing it clearly enough to be noticed by others. I see this as a light that should not be hid under a bushel.

The secret to living poor, whether this is by choice or by circumstance, is to appreciate all that you have and to be aware of all that is natural or created in which you can share. You walk across the university campus and enjoy the beautiful feeling of that place. This costs you nothing, and you could do it even if you were dirt poor. Your record collection is, by some standards, excessive, but it has involved no great output of money, and you can enjoy it, even if some discs are old and scratchy. Continue your frugality in relation to clothing. In no way can I condone expensive, “fashionable” clothes.

TUES., AUG. 11, 1987, 6:36 AM

The condition implied by this title is not one you have ever experienced. It is a condition of many people on this earth today. If I have been involved in the creation and in the enspiriting of all of these souls, then I must somehow feel that a life of being poor is acceptable, even desirable. What about “living poor?”

The resources of this created planet are many. I have stocked it well, and set up processes that maintain and perpetuate life. One of these vital “processes” is reproduction, and this . . .

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