Locus Of Control

JUNE 12, 1979, 6:40 AM

Today, o son, you were allowed to select the theme. Oh, when I am involved I guess that selection is never completely free, but I purposed that you should have some teaching today on one of your professional themes – locus of control. For, actually, this is another important entry for the concept of spiritual health.

You have already voiced this, but the assertion was rather thin and weak. (Digression: this sanctuary of yours is a garden saver. Remember that Rebecca is part of the rhythm of farm life. Still, fixing the fence would be another desirable rhythm.)

Locus of control relates to your teaching on dependence. Your health education theme tends to be a strong emphasis on independence… on making decisions for yourself… on not being dominated by others. Your teaching told that interdependence was the proper goal, which includes a strong dependence upon Me. The paradox is that as you depend upon Me you become stronger. I would not have you be weak and ineffectual. Those whom I direct shall be the strongest. Your strength is not your own, but of what importance is that if the source is ever available.

Yours is a culture that values having work done by energy other than that from human muscles. But your dependence is on unreliable or time-limited sources. This is an unwise dependence. But just as human muscle power is not as reliable, as strong, or as constant as that from machines, human control and decision-making is not as reliable and appropriate as that directed by the Spirit.

But the rhythm is important, and it shall be different for different individuals. (It is different for the same person at different times in life.) With this discipline you have moved into a new rhythm of life. It isn’t necessarily that I shall be more in your life, but that this relationship will be a more conscious one on your part. You shall now know more clearly that some of the ideas and concepts “you” develop and nurture really come from My mind… but, “You’re welcome!”

In partnership with Me you have a constant and reliable source of wisdom and judgment. Your own controls are reasonably good. I want you to use them and make them better. But My strength is yours to use also. It is more everlasting than yours. And it is yours to utilize for your purposes and Mine… and, increasingly, for Our purposes.

Direct Scott to a study involving the Society of Christian Athletes. He is willing. He just needs your direction. And I offer you Mine.

Remember also that “control” is a limiting term… one with negative connotations. The more positive one would be locus of direction or locus of energetic thrust. Be concerned with what you are positively doing rather than with what you are controlling. The difference is not monumental, but the focus can be important.

Yes, you should do some preparing for your New England presentation. This basically comes from your spirit (and Mine, too), so as that is nurtured you are better prepared. But there is still some honing to do. I want that to be as good as you’ve ever done.

Again, I have not decided about the elementary project. Go ahead with the assignment. It may be a means to an end. Just as this present book is.

The opportunity with Felton has more promise. Study that proposal carefully. It may be more than just a means.

JUNE 12, 1979, 6:40 AM

Today, o son, you were allowed to select the theme. Oh, when I am involved I guess that selection is never completely free, but I purposed that you should have some teaching today on one of your professional themes – locus of control. For, actually, this is another important entry for the concept of spiritual health.

You have already voiced this, but the assertion was rather thin and weak. (Digression: this sanctuary of yours is a garden saver. Remember that Rebecca is part of the rhythm of farm life. Still, fixing the fence would be . . .

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