Locus Of Control

FRI., JULY 25, 1986, 6:06 AM

One of the indicators of health that the more sophisticated in your profession try to measure and consider is locus of control. My Teachings to you have certainly countered the theory that the more internal one’s control, the healthier one is. And yet you wonder how the balance should be, between your will and Mine… for I am the major external locus to consider. Hear, o son, as I clarify this for you.

You shouldn’t be surprised as I tell you that the balances that make for best health will be, and should be, different in different individuals. As you told your story of spiritual development yesterday (a “revealing”, of sorts) you described yourself, as a teenager, as very inner-directed. Was that healthy? You functioned well, and it was appropriate for that time. It fit your stage of spiritual development, and produced good results. Yet if this was a goal and a way for you now it would represent poor progress in this earth life.

You were born into a family and culture that allowed, even valued, inner-directedness, so you were able to develop in this way without great conflict. This was a valuable part of your development. You have heard innumerable stories of people who were forced to be directed by others, even by Me, and the result is a rebellion against this authority, and a movement to independence in adulthood, which may be necessary, but which interferes with… nay, prevents… the sort of spiritual development I desire.

Yet the major truth is that each of you should have the locus of control that is most appropriate to your spiritual development and to your conditions of life. To be “born again” is to realize that I can and will direct you, and that this direction, and companionship, is healthy. You function better. You certainly should adapt better. But what about the balance that I advocated earlier?

One factor is the extent to which anyone had “internalized” My voice and influence and feels that I speak from within. Such a person may appear to be quite inner-directed but may know, within self, that this independence is a partnership with Me… and that I am of more influence than “the old self”… without Me. Such a person may feel no need for a church congregation, even for spiritual support groups. She depends on Me and yet appears to be quite inner-directed.

You have such a feeling, but it is balanced with the acceptance of My externality. For you I am both within and without (with no need to determine which is more important). This means that My influence can be felt internally, but it also can come through other people, through the natural or created world in which you live, through the church… even through this class that shall conclude today.

Still, I want you to value the person you are, and I have told you repeatedly that I leave many choices and decisions to you. You have not developed spiritually to the point where giving up all direction to Me would be healthy. That shall come eventually, perhaps even in this life. But the time is not now.

FRI., JULY 25, 1986, 6:06 AM

One of the indicators of health that the more sophisticated in your profession try to measure and consider is locus of control. My Teachings to you have certainly countered the theory that the more internal one’s control, the healthier one is. And yet you wonder how the balance should be, between your will and Mine… for I am the major external locus to consider. Hear, o son, as I clarify this for you.

You shouldn’t be surprised as I tell you that the balances that make for best health . . .

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