Look Busy!

SAT., FEB. 6, 1988, 6:52 AM

That old story of the minister and the rabbi in the presence of God is the basis for this morning’s title. In one sense it is a joke, but in another it is an admonition to heed, for earth life should not be wasted. The joke aspect, of course, is in trying to “look” busy when you really are not. Anyway… let’s see where this theme leads us on a cold bright morning.

What is “being busy” in spiritual terms? Most basically it is being aware that your life is a spiritual journey along a path like some and unlike others. All of life’s events have spiritual significance, and some have true spiritual significance. Being aware of such can truly keep you “busy.” Last evening you listened to Amazing Grace by the light of the fireplace, with the moon full outside. That was a spiritual experience of beauty in music and situation that was superior to any television program or even to premature sleep.

In your awareness of this experience your spirit likened it to dying. As the last notes faded you reversed the tape and heard the last portion again, but finally there was a final fadeout, and you shut off the machine… no lights and no sound. It was time for sleep. But the time was short, and now you are starting a new day in communication with Me, the Holy Spirit, a day that shall be busy in several ways.

Let Me, o son, finish the analogue to death that you can envision if you are properly busy. At some point in a life, death comes. The tape can be rewound only so many times… then it must finish, and the lights and sound are gone. You hear not and see not. Your consciousness lapses into sleep. But it needn’t be long… and how long is “long” when you are not conscious and waken into a timeless realm. You awaken to new opportunities, for you still are on that spiritual path. It could be bright and cold. It could be warm and windy. It could be wonderfully stormy. Whatever the climate you see opportunities ahead… opportunities in which you can be appropriately busy.

You never tire of being busy in spirit. It is not like intellectual effort that can be wearying. Yet most humans, including most Christians are not very spiritually “busy” as I describe it. This is not to be regretted, just to be put aside when the importance and the joy of being busy become evident.

There are many ways to be busy. Some involve physical activity, and others would require more mental effort. Some are routine and repetitive. Others are unique. Some of the best are those that benefit another unexpectedly. You should give some time and spiritual attention today to your role in this evening’s “show.” It should be mostly spontaneous, but it deserves some preparation… and then an awareness that the actual performance is a prime example of spiritual busyness.

Sometimes making lists and planning can be part of being busy. Then there are times of spontaneous activity, with many unconnected parts, that also can be appreciated as life in another beautiful mode.

It is good to look ahead and consider alternatives for future being here in the earth. It is good to look back and reminisce… even to fantasize different ways it could have been. And it is good to be wholly in the present moment, with full attention to what is now. Be aware of how the balance changes at different times.

SAT., FEB. 6, 1988, 6:52 AM

That old story of the minister and the rabbi in the presence of God is the basis for this morning’s title. In one sense it is a joke, but in another it is an admonition to heed, for earth life should not be wasted. The joke aspect, of course, is in trying to “look” busy when you really are not. Anyway… let’s see where this theme leads us on a cold bright morning.

What is “being busy” in spiritual terms? Most basically it is being aware that your life . . .

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