Looking Ahead

TUES., JAN. 5, 1993, 5:08 AM

The official holidays have arrived and gone, and you now have these two weeks before the Spring term classes commence. You certainly have plenty to do, so it will not be a time of utter sloth and relaxation. Yet in this early morning time, battling the discomfort of this apparent allergy, I want to help you see what this year might bring.

First, I’ll admit that some of what shall happen this annum is destined, and the rest will be just interaction, chance, and decisions you make. Always remember that you have been chosen, so certain happenings in your life are part of My purposes and are destined to be. There is no sure way for you to discern, clearly, which are thus and which are just the natural events of life. It is becoming more evident to you in retrospect, as you look back on some encounter, and that certainly is preferable to not being so aware as it is happening. I do want you to know that I do arrange some aspect of your life, sometimes, mostly, for purposes, but occasionally just for fun.

The checkups on your physical health are coming out well thus far. I have no objection to your having these checks, tests, and analyses, as long as you maintain a positive perspective on your health and accept that the most critical aspect is the health of your spirit. This is maintained and encircled by these times with Me and by the rereading of some of those you have received in the past. You almost are up-to-date in your organization now. Don’t let that table pile up again as it has, recently.

Health is both to enjoy and to spend or invest. It is the quality of your being, and it also is a means by which you function well, serving others and, importantly, Me. Health is manifested in your capacity to get the water off of your basement floor and, today perhaps, clean the gutters and downspouts so that the flooding may not be so severe in the next rain. Health is recognizing aches and pains but not being overcome by them… actually enjoying them in a way. Health is the artistic balance of living fully in the present, remembering and appreciating certain learnings from your past, and looking ahead, with anticipation to both the expected and the unexpected future.

For this Spring term you have only one trip planned, and it would be well if you did proceed with that. Your anticipation in relation to times away is not as keen as in years past, but remember that you have a special mission with many of your graduates and colleagues… their spiritual health and the advancement of the concept by encouraging them. It would be wise to look ahead to the Fall and see if the two possible ventures in California can be combined.

Your tasks in the church setting continue to be appropriate and should be continued. As I’ve said before, take every opportunity for study of My Holy Scriptures, as well as to enjoy and profit from the small group interaction. Consider again the offering of your class, based on these Teachings. I don’t say you must do this, but consider it again. You could be using Teachings in this present sermon discussion opportunity more than you’re now doing. Keep this in mind.

Winter is really just beginning, but the seed catalogues are arriving, so you could give some attention to your gardens for the Spring and Summer, both flowers and vegetables. You know your fruit trees need pruning, and you should give them some attention. You’re recognizing now the folly of your procrastination in getting the firewood up from the pasture. If you cut some trees now the wood would be burnable by the end of winter/early spring.

TUES., JAN. 5, 1993, 5:08 AM

The official holidays have arrived and gone, and you now have these two weeks before the Spring term classes commence. You certainly have plenty to do, so it will not be a time of utter sloth and relaxation. Yet in this early morning time, battling the discomfort of this apparent allergy, I want to help you see what this year might bring.

First, I’ll admit that some of what shall happen this annum is destined, and the rest will be just interaction, chance, and decisions you make. Always remember that . . .

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