Looking Ahead…

THURS., AUG. 6, 1997, 7:08 AM

This adventure, in this beautiful mountain setting, will soon end, and then comes the long journey back to the beautiful place that is your home. It has been a time of much human interacting, but with little acknowledgment of Me, as a part of this family. Oh, I certainly recognize the diversity in the ways these family members come to Me, in religious ways, but I am disappointed, somewhat, that there has been so little sharing of relationship with Me. After all, I Am the Holy Spirit Who is a part of any of the religious “trails” you choose or devise or are led to. But I am used to being ignored or slighted. I truly don’t need human recognition to do all that I do in this earth.

As you return you shall move into another stage of the transition that is yours to enjoy. It shall be a more difficult stage. You have been feted at a fine retirement party. You have taught your last two classes, and grades are in. The last graduation significant to your career came and went, with you in a good ceremonial role. Then… this family reunion, and some fine recognition of you as the father and grandfather of a good portion of those gathered.

Looking ahead… I have not been pleased with most of your responses to “what will you do now?” I want this to be a more spiritual part of this life journey as Bob Russell. I have seen you enjoy the process of this reunion, and I want you to move happily into retirement. Yet I also want you to see this as a transition on to life in the spirit, without this body that shall fail in certain ways. Just as you have made some preparations for this life in retirement, so should you make some preparations for the movement back to spirit realms, that shall be more familiar than you can imagine now.

Thus, I obviously want you to come and hear Me, even in situations as physically uncomfortable as this one. I want you to see these volumes of Teachings as your own and your best supplement to My Holy Scriptures. Yes, I do approve of some other readings, most of which shall have some spiritual content and focus. Then you can count on Me to comment further, so that you can appreciate more fully what others have written about spirit, in so many ways.

Your Farm is, for you, a spiritual place, and it can be treated more so. Expect that I shall lead you in ways that shall enhance its spiritual power, with and without other people. Continue to combine, in unique ways, the natural features of your place, in each season, with “improvements” that you devise, with My help. This is one of your challenges in the “looking ahead” time that is now.

Fairly often you have spoken of your life ahead as being a “semi-monk”. This is not too inappropriate a term. Let Me explain it in quite positive terms. In reality and in literature a monk has been one who has withdrawn from the competitive world to a life style with much focus on Me. This means prayer, reading, contemplation, and some dedicated work… for life in the earth has some physical requirements. Different monks have had different balances, and the diversity I have created and allowed, in humans, requires such. Together We can come to a good balance for you, initially, and then anticipate changes as you age. For what you can do now will not always be.

The “semi” designation is necessary, for you have a wife and a larger family, and these must be loved and served, as gifts from Me. You can still have some ties with your University, and with colleagues and former students in different settings. You may even go, occasionally, to a convention, for interaction with these “spiritual sons and daughters”, some of whom I have surely given you. But the focus of your life shall not be community service and professional relations.

THURS., AUG. 6, 1997, 7:08 AM

This adventure, in this beautiful mountain setting, will soon end, and then comes the long journey back to the beautiful place that is your home. It has been a time of much human interacting, but with little acknowledgment of Me, as a part of this family. Oh, I certainly recognize the diversity in the ways these family members come to Me, in religious ways, but I am disappointed, somewhat, that there has been so little sharing of relationship with Me. After all, I Am the Holy Spirit Who is . . .

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